Thursday, May 28, 2009

Church First Time Guest Letter

Beggar: Alice Home TV and La7

Dear reader alone ,

Last night there appeared an information the decoders to receive La7 BY DIGITAL TV box with the Alice Home TV from now on you will have to pay a subscription. Sti beggars, not enough for the rent or the rent of modem, 90 € every two months, to show us something FREE right now also want to add a peak of 1.5 € a month for something that had been advertised as free and included .

They did reverse a few days later, la7 again clear, but the desire to do the beggars is not passed. Virtually all content for free are going to pay!

We are considering the possibility to switch carriers ... the candidate and Infostrada. (And we buy a real digital terrestrial receiver - so after Two charges is amply repaid !!!).

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

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"Mi hanno indotto il parto per 12 ore per poi essere lasciata sola al momento dell'espulsione del feto. MI HAN LASCIATO LA MIA BAMBINA IN MEZZO ALLE GAMBE E IN MEZZO AL SANGUE PER 4 ORE.. E NESSUNO SI E' DEGNATO DI VENIRE A VEDERMI.... e tutto perché PROBABILMENTE c'era qualche obiettore di coscienza tra le persone in turno."
Da un post pubblicato nel febbraio '08, in seguito alla vicenda della donna sospettata di aver effettuato a Napoli una IVG fuori dei termini di legge;
Photos taken here: -seemed-a-family-normal

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

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"I work at San Filippo Blacks in Rome, where abortions are carried out both in terms of pregnancies by day 90 and for those beyond.
In my The first structure is planned and carried out in the operating room, and resolve with a scraping of the uterine cavity, and the latter also involve obstetricians in that it involves the induction of labor and thus the availability of a birth with epidural anesthesia, which è condizionata anche essa dalla presenza di un anestesista non obiettore (abbiamo solo 2 anestesisti non obiettori nella mia struttura.) Nel mio ospedale esiste un Day Hospital che è preposto alle IVG soprattutto per quanto riguarda i problemi di tipo burocratico.Il personale non obiettore è così suddiviso: 5 ginecologi su una ventina;
2 anestesisti su sei; 5 ostetriche su 10 turnanti, solo uno su 4 che fanno mattina fissa.
Una volta che la paziente viene ricoverata per sottoporsi ad una interuzione volontaria di gravidanza , viene gestita dal personale non obiettore di turno, sempre che sia presente, il quale mette una candeletta di cervidil, operazione che deve spesso essere ripetuta più volte a seconda della risposta della paziente.
If there is an on-call doctor objector, the thing goes on, otherwise the doctor may leave the task of putting the spark to a midwife obiettrice not on duty. If you are instead of looking only objectors, the procedure stops and resumes when there is the personal attendant.

Patients are always followed by midwives, which also deal with childbirth assistance, unless they are obiettrici.
A relative may be present during labor if this happens in the labor room, consistent with the requirements of the service, since our structure does not contain spaces reserved for the travails of abortions beyond the 90th day, but these women are tearing in the same room of women at term, this is a big inconvenience that we often have to face alone and you can understand that we are forced to repeatedly invite the relatives to leave the room to visit and also follow the labor of others.
Therefore, until the woman has no trouble well underway, we invite you to stay in the room, where he can receive all the visits that we want and where we go several times to check.
When labor is well underway, he takes the patient in the delivery room where we can control it more closely. This of course when we have only three beds are not occupied by other women in labor, in turn, of which we have to check the fetal heartbeat on fetuses that we can not risk losing.
These are the cases where the woman, unfortunately, threatens to expel the fetus in her bed.
I personally prepared the woman psychologically for this possibility, which unfortunately does not depend on us, but the inadequacy of the structure, I tell her to call every time you feel increased pain or feel the desire to push to get in bed, playing the bell and not to worry because I'll be with you in a minute. We also encourage you not to panic if by chance something happens that feels out of her vagina, stay calm and ring the bell.
I must say that in this way women feel reassured and assisted.
And when it happens in the expulsion of the patient's room, we are there in a minute.
Unfortunately, not all women psychologically prepared in this way, so she feels abandoned and afraid.
Not to mention, that if there are midwives obiettrici in turn, the woman is left to itself for the duration of labor and assisted by a doctor or midwife during childbirth only obiettrice only the bare essentials.

If the fetus is alive, you put heat in the cradle and is expected to die, almost never happens that the neonatologist decides to revive the fetus, unless it is larger than expected and very responsive, but again The choice depends on the free actions of the neonatologist concerned, the guidelines are still those to accompany the fetus to a dignified death, putting it simply heat in the cradle, covered with a drape.

As for the psychological support, this is possible by psychiatrists working in the facility.
I hope it was great.
Hail "
Testimony midwife Alessandra Hall, made with his consent, by private message in my mail on Facebook