Saturday, November 13, 2010

John C Holmes Galleries

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Spell To Turn Into A Wolf

SC card for mobile, attention to the sun.

Hi, a small post for those who use cell phones with memory cards micro SD or micro SDHC.

Not all cards are the same! Even I know this but to do a bit more, I tested the cards in my possession and I made a very bad experience. There are shopping centers for sale of the cards that report FALSE! So when you buy a bit of attention to not end up like I have done (with the rip-off say). Careful attention to these details, you may even end up buying an SD card with the mem ory
tarot and this leads to loss of data (rumored to be 32GB and 8GB and in reality)!

interesting especially the comparison between Kingston in my possession, one of two in fact was even a phony!

The tests were conducted with Windows7 64Bit HD Tune and that found at this address ( )

Card Kingston Vera (the best for speed)
Kingston 4GB SDHC Class 4. The test shows a speed of 16 Mb / sec. Not bad for a card, in theory, be used also with Full HD camcorders. Notice the writing and how they differ from the next card that is clearly a fake.

"Kingstar and n" - Micro SDHC - Alleged Class 4 - False
Here is a nice one. This card while claiming to be a Kingston SDHC card has a read speed lower. Why can this have happened? I do not want me wrong but it seems that this card is provided by HTC as an accessory for a mobile DESIRE. Note the markings and the serial code that is printed under the same, very bad sign of forgery.

DIKOM-8GB SDHC - Class 6 Alleged - Clothes and misleading written to the detriment of the consumer.
More striking example of a hoax. This was bought at Panorama of Rome CC East . While there are data relating to speed on the box looking at the board (visible in the package) we see the words CL6 indicating a card Classe6 even if the logo is deformed, it is the official one half circle around the class number. Was truly a class 6 would have a minimum write speed of 12MB/Sec and here we are faced with an inferior product with a read speed of 10MB/sec. The cost of the card is reduced, but given that I intended to use it resolves in 20 € buttati.

INTEGRAL Micro SD - 2Gb - 12,4Gb/sec.
Onesta scheda di memoria comprata all'AUCHAN del CC Porta di Roma per 9€. Assolve la sua funzione di Backup per la mia Canon in maniera discreta. Di interessante c'è il codice seriale impresso sulla scheda che è molto simile a quello trovato sulla falsa Kingston; non penso sia un caso visto che la Integral è molto probabilmente un importatore di materiale cinese di seconda qualità (Almeno non cercano di truffare nessuno).

SANDISK - MicroSDHC - 2Gb - 9,8Gb/Sec.
Onesta scheda di memoria senza troppe pretese, la Classe 2 è quella che praticamente mantiene le specifiche delle schede SD normali. Sembrerebbe essere originale. Il codice impresso sulla scheda in questo caso è verticale comela scritta del produttore.

Morale: La qualità si paga e nei centri commerciali non ce ne è abbastanza.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

2003 Harris Float Boat

How to switch contacts from iPhone (Mac) Android

Salve, come si evince dal titolo sto abbandonando Nokia e Symbian v5.0 per passare a Google Android.

Purtroppo l'esperienza con l'N97Mini non è stata delle migliori. Certamente OVI Maps è una applicazione carina ma la velocità del processore e la mancanza di accelerazione grafica 3D are things that leave a cell phone paid baffled over 400 €. So now I have a HTC Desire.

The key question was how to switch contacts, including miniatures, the new terminal. There are very few guides on the internet ... There is a video of appertutto IDOT says to copy the contacts on your SIM card (Merciful, the sim can not be copied emails, photos and addresses).

The solution in my case it was the Nokia sync with the Macintosh using the special program and iSync plugin N97 => Move contacts on Gmail => sync Gmail on Android.

Easy Solution
At this point the series guides suggest you to synchronize your address book and calendar applications by the special apple (iCal - Address Book) with your google account. To do so hunted the "properties" or "Command +," and go on the "account" press the "+" and enter your credentials Google.

most complete solution
Unfortunately I do not know why in my case were not properly loaded contacts' photos. The next step is then to export contacts in vCard format.

To export contacts in vCard format, open the Address Book Contacts and select all contacts. Then select the menu "File - Export - vCard Export" the book will create a file called "tabs".

Revenue in with your google browser, login and go to Gmail. Select the "contacts stored" on the left. You will see that there is an entry "import", select it and send the file you just created - Voilà N97 are all contacts on your Android!

sull'Android If contacts are not at this point there are two possible explanations. The first is that you do not have associated with your google account to your phone. I suggest you do so now. The second is che il processo di importazione prende circa 15 minuti (a seconda del numero di contatti). Quindi non vi spaventate troppo se all'inizio non si vedono le foto oppure la lista non è completa.

Buon divertimento con il vostro Android!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Verses For Birthday Cards

N97 and Mac internet connection as possible (three hg)

La buona Notizia è che la connessione tra Mac (macbook nel mio caso) ed il Telefonino N97 mini della nokia è possibile!!!

Bisogna ovviamente prendere delle cautele grazie alla smerigliata affidabilità della casa Finlandese che per l'ennesima volta ha fatto la cappellata rilasciando un prodotto non testato sul mercato.

Primo step to be performed only once on the phone:
  • Enter the menu with the only real button and choose "Settings." - From there scroll down to "Admin." - Select "Packet data"
  • At this point you have three items to change, the "access point" enter the value ""
  • If HSPA is set to Off, then activate it. This brings up a 3 megabit connection.
Turn on the MAC. Connect your phone with the USB cable. The phone will choose the connection mode, choose "PC Suite".

Revenue Mac in System Preferences. (Icon with gears) and choose "Network" (icon with a blue ball of light connected).

Delete any and all items "Nokia N97" already present. To delete an entry select it and click on the "-" sign below (just above the lock). Create a new item from scratch by clicking on the bullet marks "+" at the bottom of the list of links. You will have to choose one of two possible values, and repeat this procedure for the other in the next step.

  • the first screen as the phone number to set the value "* 99 # "
  • Click on the "Show modem status in menu bar
  • Clicckare on "Advanced."
  • screen that opens, set the following values:
    Provider: "Nokia"
    Model: GPRS (GSM/3G) "
    APN:" "
    CID:" 1 "
  • Press OK - the screen Next "Apply."
  • If you want you can log in - If the connection does not work and leaves a message saying "The dispositovo used for the connection does not exist ..." then you have to repeat these steps for the other USB port (or usbmodem2414 2412) and connect from that.

Also as sackcloth ... Each Once you connect to the Internet should complete the following preliminary steps:
  1. Press the soft key "Options" and select "Hide Contents". To be sure
  2. press the switch and put options "in Mod Offline Content"
These steps are necessary because when the phone decides to use the connection for one of his gadgets or the Internet service you'll see connection mac fall inexorably. This unfortunately is the case for the choice of genes for Nokia ...

Good luck!

Monday, March 22, 2010

All South Park Streaming

NOKIA N97 - How to put the phone back on facebook

Nokia has gone a tad bad on this phone. When you get it first is completely loaded with crap (mostly useless). In a rush to eradicate this unuseful icons from the phone I eventually resorted to do a format of the device.

It turns out that when you format the phone you end up losing the useful widgets, the most unuseful crap is hardwired and cannot be removed.

So here is the point: how to get back the facebook widget and application? When you visit the OVI store on the phone there is no way to find it.

Solution: Visit this page: and then send yourself a SMS from the very same page. When you receive it and click on the link OVI store will pop up and the otherwise invisible Facebook application will be downloaded and installed.

(The OVI store application is obviously fucked up as well).

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Drivers Prolific Bridge


"The hospital of Pollen and the election campaign

The Health Department moved from the Department of Pollena Nola IVG Apicella Hospital, (the only defense for ASL NA3 and NA4) on a non-equipped and with little motivation clear.

impede the application of 194 is the ultimate exhibition, already seen in recent years, dell'inveterata misogyny of the Region. We are talking about 194, because in our country the use of the hospital is the only alternative for women : abortion "private" is a crime. We're talking about 194, but we could talk about the commodification of labor and the sphere of prevention in the female cancers.

This is the policy on women's bodies and, in addition to trade-off between a public housing estates and asphyxiated by the wastefulness and a person who helps them and enhances them to become rich, all over the country, is part of the campaign but not dumb secret.

The closure of a department as Pollena IVG in reality, and we could multiply examples, is a clear signal of alignment and orientation net "ethics" of those who expresses it.

Past elections have been conducted specifically on women's bodies, blanketing the scene of contention under the term "sensitive issues".

The parallel campaign, without naming them, still wields the same themes and used them to show their loyalty to the caste, while revealing the profound betrayal of women and their right to health. A

exposed Att. Maria Pia De Riso, signed by our association, was sent to the competent authorities.

Committee Act 194, Udi Naples, Medical Women's Association, Association Maddalena

Naples, 02/03/10

Nell'immaggine Hospital Pollena