Salve, come si evince dal titolo sto abbandonando Nokia e Symbian v5.0 per passare a Google Android.
Purtroppo l'esperienza con l'N97Mini non è stata delle migliori. Certamente OVI Maps è una applicazione carina ma la velocità del processore e la mancanza di accelerazione grafica 3D are things that leave a cell phone paid baffled over 400 €. So now I have a HTC Desire.
The key question was how to switch contacts, including miniatures, the new terminal. There are very few guides on the internet ... There is a video of appertutto IDOT says to copy the contacts on your SIM card (Merciful, the sim can not be copied emails, photos and addresses).
The solution in my case it was the Nokia sync with the Macintosh using the special program and iSync plugin N97 => Move contacts on Gmail => sync Gmail on Android.
At this point the series guides suggest you to synchronize your address book and calendar applications by the special apple (iCal - Address Book) with your google account. To do so hunted the "properties" or "Command +," and go on the "account" press the "+" and enter your credentials Google.
most complete solution
Unfortunately I do not know why in my case were not properly loaded contacts' photos. The next step is then to export contacts in vCard format.
To export contacts in vCard format, open the Address Book Contacts and select all contacts. Then select the menu "File - Export - vCard Export" the book will create a file called "tabs".
Revenue in with your google browser, login and go to Gmail. Select the "contacts stored" on the left. You will see that there is an entry "import", select it and send the file you just created - Voilà N97 are all contacts on your Android!
sull'Android If contacts are not at this point there are two possible explanations. The first is that you do not have associated with your google account to your phone. I suggest you do so now. The second is che il processo di importazione prende circa 15 minuti (a seconda del numero di contatti). Quindi non vi spaventate troppo se all'inizio non si vedono le foto oppure la lista non è completa.
Buon divertimento con il vostro Android!