Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Do You Get Herpes On Your Stomach

died last night in Rome Hospice Antea
the actress Anna Maria Torniai.
Born in Florence October 20, 1931,
had 79, and two were suffering from ALS.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baby Showermoney Treemoney Only

Important alterations
nerve cells do not mature NG2 +,
could be a
key mechanism in ALS

Old Sunfish Sailboats For Sale

Plastica per laparocele sovrapubico

Patient 73, female, previously operated for hysterectomy.
size 15x15 cm wall defect. Location
deli operators:
- First operator to the left
- Cameraman to the left of the previous
- Instrument to the right patient at the end of the lower
position for display
- the main to the right of the patient at the hip
- the second left for the instrumentalist
bladder catheter (CH 16) Socks

Wire Suture & Blades
  • Blade 10 x 1 for normal access
  • Blade 11 x 1 for entry needle Bercy
  • absorbable 3 / 0 x 1 for cute
  • Prolene 0 or 1 x 2 if you need to reduce the defect before placing the prosthesis
  • spinal needle Black defining the perimeter of the defect
  • Copritelecamera
  • dermographic pencil for marking the perimeter of the defect
  • 1 x 10 ml syringe for local anesthesia (Naropin 10)
  • Naropin 10 x 1 flc
  • Prosthetics dedicated high softness and adaptability ETHICON ® PhisioMESH ™
  • Protak 5mm (30 points)
  • control column video
  • when applying the fixing points of the prosthesis, it is necessary to lower the intra-abdominal pressure of 8 mm / Hg
bed and Positions
  • supine, arms abduced
  • patient on board left / right of the bed according to the position of surgeon
  • Once the pneumoperitoneum, the patient was placed in moderate Trendelenburg and lateralized by the operator
Description of
  1. Access supra-umbilical, with trocar 10, the optical input (scalpel, two Halstead, scissors, Halstead, tobacco pouch, trocar)
  2. Inflation at 3 liters / min and patient positioning
  3. pararectal additional access right and esinistro

  4. Exploration of the peritoneal cavity, defect isolation, lysis of peritoneal adhesions with bipolar scissors and Johanne. Dissection of the bladder and placement of the prosthesis after the bladder was inflated with 200 ml. Sol of FIS. catheter through the hemostasis control
  5. Delimitation of the perimeter with spinal needle and pencil dermographic. Measurement of larger diameters. Preliminary Correction of the defect with prolene needle Bercy and 0
  6. Change gloves
  7. Preparation of the implant (depending on the surgeon's choice) and insertion through a trocar 10.
  8. Lowering of intra-abdominal pressure of 8 mm.Hg.
  9. positioning and deployment of the prosthesis, along the lines indicated by the prosthesis, with the help of two Johanne.
  10. prosthesis fixation points Protak
  11. count of instruments and garzame
  12. deli access closure after infiltration Naropin 10 1 fl.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spanish Wording For Wedding Invitations

Il Libro è arrivato!

After an anxious wait of about 15 days, came the physical preview of the book and I really say that I like. It 's simple, without any special frills, but good.
pages and images are well printed, though in black and white, are very crisp and clear.
A lot of work, available for those working or intending to work in the operating room and a unique tool that was missing from the nursing profession.

For those interested and have 50 euros to spend, can purchase the work at, a this address. Thank you :-)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dental Hygiene Cover Letter For Graduate

MANDURIA: 6 cases of ALS

in less than

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grinnall Scorpian For Sale

L'autorizzazione anche
nel nostro paese
alla commercializzazione
del Sativex

Lumbago With Temperature

"Ogni volta che chiudo gli occhi”
the story of a young
affected by ALS

Samples Of Church Welcomes

Decree Milleproroghe

But there are or not this money?
Because the government plays with the hopes and expectations of the sick?
who does not respect those who suffer, not only patients but also families
weighs on which the drama of a serious illness,
dovrebbe vergognarsi.

Samples Of Wedding Seating Charts

Possibili spiragli entro 5 anni,

al convegno Figc Zeppilli,

" ultimi 3 anni piu' progressi che nei 20 precedenti"

Monday, February 7, 2011


male patient of 74 years in good physical condition. Type 2 diabetes.
diagnosis of cancer of the head of the pancreas infiltrating the duodenum.
The surgeon asked to perform a laparoscopy to detect any signs of peritoneal carcinomatosis.
Supine position, arms abduced, covered for temperature management placed on the lower limbs and heater liquids.
right subclavian central venous access in both peripheral venous access support.
invasive continuous blood pressure monitoring and central venous oppression.
bladder catheter attached to the nose and SNG.

Laparoscopic Instruments - Instruments for open abdominal surgery
- a self-retaining Retractor fixing the bed
- Container for vascular surgery

  1. OPenlaparoscopy with two access points for trocar 10. After
  2. the progressive induction of the pneumoperitoneum, not evedenziati signs of peritoneal metastases of its gross
  3. We proceed to perform median xipho-pubic laparotomy.
  4. After ligation (laces 2 / 0) and the section of the round ligament, we proceed to place the self-retaining retractor paddles with four wall and a spatula to lift the liver and expose the subhepatic region.
  5. The surgeon obtains the pancreatic head cancer invading the duodenum and then proceed with the posting coloepiploico bipolar electric scalpel and scissors is then performed
  6. the mobilization of the duodenum with extensive Kocher maneuver, and with bipolar scissors
  7. is isolated on the superior mesenteric vein and portal vein vesseloop red on red vesseloop
  8. The pancreas is then underpass with a yellow vesseloop
  9. are linked to the right gastroepiploic artery and vein with long strings of 2 / 0 and, similarly, is linked to the artery and vein is then dissected
  10. pyloric duodenum with the use of a GIA
  11. Isolation and section 80 of the 'bonds of gastroduodenal artery with 2 / 0
  12. is then dissected the first loop ileostomy, with GIA 80 , which is mobilized
  13. lymphadenectomy is then performed of the superior mesenteric artery, with bipolar, metal clips and scissors.
  14. cholecystectomy is performed by anterograde and the section of the bile duct at the level of common hepatic duct, with scalpel
  15. the pancreas is then dissected with a scalpel and made the pancreaticoduodenectomy enbloc with the bile duct and gallbladder
  16. extemporaneous histological examination is performed on the margin of section biliary , pancreatic and duodenal ulcers, who were negative for malignancy pancrteatico The body is mobilized with bipolar and scissors, and starts the infusion of somatostatin
  17. is then cannulated Diotto of Wirsung with 20G cannula.
  18. Pancreogastroanastomosi termino-lateral
    • are two points of absorbable monofilament applied to the back of the stomach and the other two points on the front, at the same level.
    • gastrotomy is performed between the two points, on both sides of the stomach. On the back is passed pancreatic stump, which is placed through the anterior gastrotomy.
    • The pancreas is attached to the remaining points of the gastric mucosa with non-absorbable monofilament 3 / 0 to sutures around the entire perimeter
    • When you close the gastrotomy front atraumatic monofilament absorbable 4 / 0, in two-layer anastomosis on
    • pancreogastrica, are applied to the fixing points and consolidation in monofilament 3 / 0 non-absorbable, face back or stomach.
  19. Anastomosis duodenodigiunale-to-end user in a single layer with atraumatic monofilament absorbable 4 / 0 and with the same wire is performed end-to-side anastomosis epaticodigiunale manual
  20. two drains are placed in laminar panncreo-gastric bypass anastomosis and the subhepatic region sull'anastomosi hepatic-jejunal.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Does The New Ohio License Look Like?


male patient of 60 years, with obvious emaciation, partially offset by total parenteral nutrition. Heavy smoker and alcoholic.
Body lean and no previous intervention.
table top
right thoracotomy to perform an atypical lung resection to assess the nature of a right upper lobe pulmonary nodule. Se all'esame estemporaneo fosse stato positivo per metastasi del carcinoma esofageo, l'intervento si sarebbe concluso, altrimenti si sarebbe proceduto ad esofagectomia del terzo distale dell'esofago, con anastomosi esofago-gastrica termino-terminale toracica.
Container per chirurgia toracica
Container per chirurgia addominale
Divaricatore autostatico OmniTack
Due drenaggi toracici CH 32 + raccordo a 'Y' per la connessione a Pleurevac Sahara
Surgiclip per la legatura dei vasi esofagei e dei vasi linfatici
GIA 80 + ricariche per la resezione polmonare atipica
Vesseloop blu per la repertazione esofagea
Drenaggio peritoneale + raccoglitore
Occorrente per Digiunostomia
Shopping Cart
surgery only for the three phases of the chest, abdominal and thoracic
single count of gauze, needles and sharp
Patient Positioning Chest
For phase 1 and 2, the patient was positioned in left lateral decubitus position, with marked hyperextension ribs. For stage abdominal
the patient was positioned supine with left upper limb abducted by venous and arterial. Practiced
bladder catheterization and a CVC inserted in right jugular. Description of

  • I ran the surgical scrub at 7.45, while the anesthesiologist introduced the epidural catheter for analgesia postoperatively.
  • I have prepared a single shopping cart for the duration of the intervention.
  • skin incision of right posterolateral thoracotomy, partial section of the trapezius muscle and application of large rib-spreader. With tongs
  • chiurgo the ring has exposed the area to be resected lung
  • pulmonary resections with two charges of around 80
  • Enter the anatomical part for extemporaneous histological examination, which proved negative.
  • isolation of the esophagus with bipolar and anatomical
  • Repertoire esophagus on Vesseloop blue vein ligation
  • Azigos drawstring braided absorbable USP 0
  • Completion isolation until the esophageal diaphragmatic jatus
  • Temporary closure of the thoracotomy and application of steridrape.

  • Repositioning the patient in the supine position
  • laparotomy xipho sottombelicale
  • -positioning retractor Omnitrack
  • gastric mobilization and partial vascular isolation with conservation gsstroepiploica left and right. This phase was carried out with Ligasure 10, and bipolar scissors
  • expansion of digital jatus diaphragmatic
  • Cholecystectomy
  • closure of the abdomen

  • Repositioning the patient in left lateral decubitus position as described in step previous year.
  • Reopening of thoracotomy
  • repositioning of the stomach in the chest cavity, passing by esophageal jatus, with the help of pliers ring
  • section upstream of the esophagus azigos streak with two straight enterostati
  • Packaging of tobacco pouch on the stump proximal esophagus with monofilament 2 / 0 non-absorbable
  • attaching the brush head of a circular EEA stapler 25 and close the tobacco pouch
  • gastrotomy in the gastric body for the passage of the suture, with two landmarks in monofilament absorbable 3 / 0. Section between the two points with a low potential electric scalpel
  • insertion of the suture and leakage of the spur on the posterior gastric
  • reunification of the machine and packaging of esophageal-gastric anastomosis termino-lateral
  • reinforcement of the anastomosis with monofilament absorbable 4 / 0 and application of the parietal pleura anastomosis for protection as determined by the same wire
  • placement of drainage tubes and soft closing of the thoracotomy

intervention Duration: 8 hours

Thanks to my colleague Stephen Cardinals, who continued the operation in the afternoon and completed the above description and colleague Susan Pogliani for technical support.

Steam Mops Consumer Reports

Il libro sarà in tutte le librerie
italiane dal 15 febbraio 2011
Ferraris Gianluca and Ilaria Molinari

Maxine Cartoonsrunning

L 'Asl Guidonia - Rome -
leave without assistance
a patient suffering from ALS

Smartst Desktop Para Navman F20

Anonymous offers € 3,000 for Umberta
suffering from ALS

SOLIDARITY '. Continue aid for the woman to 59 years suffering from ALS, which risked eviction from his home in Via Galilei because he could not pay the rent
The considerable amount sent in an envelope in the establishment of Brescia today Commotion Anastasia's daughter: "A completely unexpected support"