Tuesday, December 30, 2008

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The new Gmail for Nokia S60

Google has innovated a new client for mobile phones that now seems to be a native Symbian.

The key differences are:
  • icon on the Start menu that has finally scaled properly
  • scrolling list of messages is uniform and not jerky
  • graphics and menus are reviewed
  • can be used offline and when you connect the client makes changes to the account.
  • you can add multiple accounts!
I am using for a month and I must say that overall it is a great version. There's a few issues at times to connect to the default network but they are small problems that are fixed by restarting the program.

Per scaricarlo andate a questo indirizzo con il vostro cellulare

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

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VoIP and advanced settings on Nokia S60

Adesso scrivo davvero per uno o 2 lettori solitari!

Come in pochissimi si saranno resi conto il client Voip dei telefoni nokia S60 sono deficitari di alcune funzioni particolari. Nel caso specifico non si puo settare i parametri per i Codec Audio e sopratutto nella configurazione dello STUN.

In alcuni casi lo Stun viene "indovinato" correttamente dal client, in altri è necessaria la configurazione. Di serie Firewall e Stun non possono essere configurati dal terminale ma sono impostati con un messaggio di servizio dell'operatore. La NOKIA dopo essersi resa conto della immane cazzata ha rilasciato un paio di manuali e programmi sussidiari ai tecnici. Usare il programma non è difficile, cercare di capire tutto quello che scritto nel manuale invece si... come spesso capita.

Per accedere al materiale ed al manuale bisogna registrarsi ai forum Nokia e come dice il sito:

This document is a user guide to the SIP VoIP Settings application. It
describes how to configure VoIP settings that typically are not editable on an
S60 device. The document covers how to create new VoIP profiles and modify
existing ones, and how to create NAT firewall settings and modify the VoIP
parameters, including speech-codec and NAT firewall settings.

Ho personalmente provato il pacchetto con il mio Nokia N82 and it works. For Eutelia I had set out a STUN
  1. Install the correct version for your phone, there are 2 versions that can be downloaded from Forum Nokia. N79 and N85 should install version 3.0 of the application, all other VoIP nokia must install version 2.x
  2. Go to the SIP VoIP Settings application
  3. Go "NAT Parameters Settings"
  4. Go to "Domain Parameters"
  5. You should already be "voip.eutelia.it" setting from your basic income there!
  6. Place "stun.voip.eutelia.it" in the STUN Server Name
  7. Put "3478" in the "STUN Server Port"
  8. have you had a good VoIP.

Se volete ho trovato questo link dove scaricare il pacchetto senza registrarsi al forum Nokia. Ricordate che è materiale per tecnici e società telefoniche!

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Zoiper - Voip working with Eutelia connection with Alice Gate W2. The

Ieri l'altro dovevo chiamare un amico in Portogallo. Dopo aver fatto tante chiamate voip all'estero pensavo che fosse un gioco da ragazzi farne una da casa. Mi sbagliavo. Infatti ho scoperto che il mio Modem (Alice Gate W2) non va tanto d'accordo con il Voip in generale ed il protocollo SIP in particolare. Una delle caratteristiche utili del SIP è aggirare il firewall e farci arrivare i pacchetti audio... A tal fine c'è un meccanismo opzionale chiamato STUN che è opzionale proprio perché non serve sempre, per esempio con i router "normali" non dovreste avere questa necessità, con quello telecom invece c'è bisogno. Grande pecca però almeno ho capito come mai non riuscivo a telefonare da casa mentre da tutto il mondo si.

Quindi adesso a fruizione di tutti quanti posto la configurazione corretta per usare Zoiper sempre (o quasi) d'appertutto con lo STUN.

Innanzitutto installatevi Zoiper, e configurate il vostro primo acconto entrando nella schermata delle impostazioni.
  1. Domain: voip.eutelia.it
  2. Username: [Vostronumerotelefono]
  3. Password: [Vostrapassword]
  4. Caller ID Name: [Vostronumerotelefono]
  5. Click the check "Show advanced options"
  6. Click on "Custom Codecs"
  7. Select "Use custom STUN"
Entering the "STUN Options"
  1. Server Hostname: stun.voip.eutelia . it
  2. Port: 3478
Go to "Audio Codecs"
  1. Remove from the list all codecs - Put the list in-law, u-Law, iLBC (GSM seems they do not like)
Now you can make calls with audio routed correctly appertutto. If you have any doubt about why it does not work Zoiper recourse to extremely useful "log" (Help Menu and "show log"). In the image below settings that have worked for me, obviously you have to put your number and password.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

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Voip on N82 and other Nokia S60 with Wifi Eutelia.

Nokia is finally making its phones a serious VoIP SIP stack worthy of the name. You can now use your phone the same way as with a landline rates really cheap if not free.

What is SIP and how is it used?
SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol . This is a system for two computers to start a data transfer. While it is obvious that you can use SIP to move qualsiesi data type is currently the most common use is to start phone calls between 2 computers on the Internet. A key benefit of SIP and his home to "pierce" the firewall and let people trade in the most transparent way possible for the user (ie without need to configure ports or use UPnP)

To use the SIP protocol VoIP telephony are the configuration parameters of our provider and an internet connection. In this short post I explain how to configure a Nokia S60 FP1 (feature pack1) to work with VoIP Eutelia across multiple WiFi access points. Prerequisites

To proceed you need:
  • a S60 device with access WiFi or alternatively a data plan FLAT type.
  • Euteliavoip an account with at least one geographic number associated
  • a WiFi router connected to ADSL
Go to the homepage of Eutelia voip. Log in user area with your email and password. Go to the section "Management Number." At this point you will have one or more VoIP phone number that you have previously registered with Eutelia and passwords. Mark

phone number and password on a note or leave them open on the computer screen, you'll need for the next step.

Before Configuring the Nokia
With [phone number] and [password] are the values \u200b\u200byou recorded con Eutelia... cio premesso ecco la guida passo passo per attivare il Voip sul vostro Nokia.
  1. Andate in Strumenti / Impostaz. - Poi aprire il menù della Connessione - Scendere fino a Impost. SIP ed aprire la voce
  2. Premete il tasto Opzioni / Nuovo Profilo SIP / Usa profilo Predefin. Riempite i campi come segue:
  3. Nome: [Mettete qualcosa A piacere] (es: ho messo Eutelia)
  4. Profile: IETF
  5. Point Default Acc: [your WIFI network] (or leave it blank and put it later)
  6. Public username: [phone number ] @voip.eutelia. it
  7. Use compression: NO
  8. Registration: Always On
  9. Use Protection: NO
  10. Enter the Proxy server menu and place the following values:
  11. addr. Proxy Server: voip.eutelia.it
  12. Area: voip.eutelia.it
  13. Username: [Vostronomeutente] @voip.eutelia.it
  14. Password: [PasswordDelNumero] (assigned by Eutelia)
  15. Allow loose routing: YES
  16. Transport Type: UDP
  17. Port: 5060
  18. Enter the registration server menu and put the same values \u200b\u200bof the "Proxy Server"
  19. Press "back"
  20. Go under "Internet Phone" settings. Add the "Eutelia" (the point 3) between the SIP profiles.
If you put 5 point in a valid access point your phone will connect immediately to the Internet and the VoIP service. E 'can also put a 3G access point (or data from the phone company) but in this case make sure you do not pay for the data and you can stay connected for a long time.

Adding WiFi networks with automatic
Now we have a SIP profile can be configured to automatically connect to WiFi networks that we have access.

To do so, Nokia provides us with the utility "Internet Phone" (In my N82 is in Tools / Connectivity). When we defined an access point, just open the utility and bind the service to an available network.

We asked if we want to associate the network service Eutelia, if yes will create a second copy of the first profile for the selected network. From now on when we are in the presence of the network your phone will connect automatically allowing us to receive and make calls for free. As can be seen in the last

screenshot below, the connection is made to the VOIP service is symbolized by a little drawing on the screen of a phone on a globe.

This guide works with almost all WiFi access points. Some routers need a more advanced configuration and here is post to put the advanced settings in our the Nokia

Friday, December 12, 2008

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Nokia S60 and Maps.

During the holiday that I recently spent abroad, I was very useful GPS feature My phone Nokia N82.

Nokia Maps - After purchasing Gate5 from Nokia has come the development of Nokia Maps (arrived Beta version 3) then provides that the GPS functionality is integrated in most if not all of the terminals S60 Rev3. Surprisingly, the Nokia Maps also is introducing the S40 terminals that are offered to a much less sophisticated.

This program offers an immediate advantage over everyone the opportunity to download Nokia Maps from the server without having to buy separately. Nevertheless, the cost is able to be a little out of the market. To take advantage of navigation in fact we only offer the possibility to achieve an restricted license (you can buy 1 month, 2 months or a year with a maximum cost of 130 €). The license is not limited in time activation but also by geographical area!

In my case I was quite cheated by Nokia promotion that allowed me to activate it 3 months of free navigation, but only for Italy!! Upon arriving in Sweden the phone told me that I was out of coverage and that if I had to activate the Swedish license by paying a special license. All ancillary features such as city guides and traffic information is also charged separately. It is not a big surprise that Nokia are installing MAPS in all terminals it produces, such as Apple with iTunes tries to take advantage of navigation licenses.
  • Note: POI tourists are not very up to date for Latvia and Lithuania.
  • Note 2: try Nokia Maps for free a week with this link

TomTom NAVIGATOR 6 - The theory does not work with tomtom GPS for Nokia phones. Then in practice advise everyone to download an illegal version in which the support has been integrated GPS Nokia (You can find a bit of appertutto).

The superiority of the TomTom is in the full license (130 Euro), but here you pay for maps ... You notice immediately that the phone battery lasts less. Here too the POI of the Baltic states are inadequate and it seems to me that the Tomtom is less suitable for pedestrian navigation in the Nokia Maps (and for the licensing issue that I could not try on the road). Instead

is very immediate to the navigation system that addresses the Nokia Maps and Garmin XT is not immediate and slow release.

flaws: sometimes the program avoids roads and suggests paths longer than necessary, unfortunately, happens right under my house. It should be a problem with maps.

Garmin Mobile XT - It 's another program navigation from Garmin. This also supports native GPS functionality to our internal Nokia. The look is like Teletubbies, very plastic with the colors of Windows XP. Indicative of this is the opportunity to replace the cursor with the little drawing of a Toy car (therefore recommended ai bambini, un po meno agli autisti)

Si possono configurare nel dettaglio molte funzioni e opzioni ma non presenta punti vincenti rispetto alla concorrenza. Ho trovato particolarmente fastidioso il fatto che a differenza di tutti gli altri non è possibile abbassare il volume della voce guida (e se è possibile non è facile trovare il modo). La voce presenta istruzioni chiare ed abbastanza precise. Anche il sistema di rintracciamento degli indirizzi è il più complicato di tutti e tre i software commerciali e mi ha lasciato più che perplesso.

Problemi: Il programa calcola il percorso più breve, non il più veloce! Quindi in città è più che normale che tenda ad evitare le tangenziali and paths more logical.

The licensing system is based on the purchase of maps such as the TomTom and the cost is the lowest among the three ($ 149 for a license in life, not a year as with the Nokia Maps).

Goggle Maps - Google maps is the solution to free navigation. Endorses the use of the POI with the Nokia Maps application and provides the function of calculating percorsoquest'ultima unfortunately is not supported by the navigation assistance with voice step by step ... is therefore not a real browser.

The biggest problem is that the Google Maps program uses a lot of bandwidth to view the map and supports the engine to google to calculate the paths. This means that if we do not have a flat rate data plan can hardly be used in a practical way the program.

Conclusions: For my vacation I used a mixture of Nokia Maps (for walking and mark points of interest) and TomTom to find the direction in case of loss. If Nokia would be less greedy with the licenses would probably be my favorite solution.

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Protecting data on your Nokia S60 - Handy Safe

Sometimes you need to write passwords or PINs even for credit cards. If the PIN is the most idiotic idea to write it clearly on the credit card but what is the safest place? After our memory let me suggest Nokia as a safe place. I remember with nostalgia the Nokia "Payments" of my former 6630. This application allows you to securely store credit card data, passwords and user names. Unfortunately Nokia did not put more into its phones.

Then you have to resort to commercial alternatives. I tried the program Handy Safe . Handy Safe is a kind of notebook safe. Installation asks you a numeric password, after that everything stored in it is encrypted with 448-bit Blowfish Protocol (practically unreadable). In practice you can put a password to secure sensitive data that might be difficult to store. For example while I was I'm traveling in the inter-bank card and I had to withdraw with a credit card which I never memorized the code - Handy Safe has saved me:)

The program works extremely well. There is a PC client that I have ever used and I think I have ever used. Its major flaw: it costs $ 44, too ...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

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Review of Nokia N82 and N95 - geotagging photos

2 The latest firmware for Nokia N82 and N95 allow them to do the geotagging photos. Certainly the feature will be extended to all models Symbian with integrated GPS.

file photo. Jpg is composed of a header (header) and a body of data. The header is a data segment such EXIF \u200b\u200b(Exchangeable image file format). In practice, this data segment contains information about photography. One of the data that can be included in the EXIF \u200b\u200bsegment is the position at the time of shooting, we put the phone automatically.

To enable this feature go to Options / Settings / director position (activated) - From this point on you will see a small satellite disc in the lower left that symbolizes the reception of the position. If you are covered on the picture the phone records the last known position in the last 10 minutes or no position will be added to the photo.

What do you do with geotagged photos?
  1. You can download these here on Flickr as
  2. You can download on Panoramio
  3. You can download Picasa Web
In these cases, the photos will be placed precisely on the map and you and your friends will know where they were collected. With the service Flickr if you want the photos are automatically placed on the right place on the map go to this page .

If you only want to keep the PC on the easiest way is to use Picasa + Google Earth

is advisable to switch the room a minute before making the photo even if on the phone with A-GPS can take a lot less to fix a position.

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Review of Guardian Mobile for Nokia S60 series E and N

With what does a Nokia the possibility of theft is certainly very annoying. Fortunately, unlike our beloved iPhone is fully customizable which means that we can do to protect it from a program hidden in a boot!

There are several programs that perform this function. Initially I used to PhoneSecure WildPalm but is only compatible with the old version of S60. For the new phones from Nokia so I bought Mobile Guardian (Incidentally developed in Italy by an Italian).

Mobile Guardian once installed silently at startup part and make sure your sim is among those authorized. If the sim is not authorized guardian mobile then begins secretly sending an SMS to a mobile phone number trusted. This SMS will contain the number of the new SIM card in your phone! In Italy this is sufficient to trace the lucky owner of your phone (the Council a good report of theft).

the Platinum version (it costs a bit more) also allows you to use GPS on the phone to send a message with the known position in this case you can also do yourself a visit to your phone.

It is also possible applications to protect your phone with the security code. For example you can protect the installer is, or posts or whatever you want.

problem and it
  1. The commands are sent to the Mobile Guardian card thief, if that were to receive your text messages while the card in another phone would be aware of your PIN. In this case, would not only suspicious but could uninstall the application. Knowing that SMS are not always on time this is not just a flaw which is not attributable to the program.
  2. If the thief is not an idiot when he realizes that there is a guardian will format complete. The hope is that before this has his mobile number and maybe even your home address. However, if you are protecting your data has been assured that the format will not recover.
Conclusions: A program recommended in both the free version in the GOLD. I contacted them to see if there is a possibility of discounts from version to the Gold Platinum, the possibility is there but not working correctly in this promotional period (it miscalculated the cost of upgrades for those who have paid the full price license gold).

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

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Instant Messenger for Nokia Symbian S60 (series E and N) - Review of Most Popular

solutions for instant messenger system in the S60 are different. In this post I review some. - Post in the works will be completed today or tomorrow with the screens of mobile phones -


Fring of Fring.com
And 'the only function of the messenger sent to the audio phone. Unlike everyone else is compatible with the protocol and can make calls to skype contact messenger and allows the use of SIP to make free calls even on non-enabled Nokia N70 as a recent and little, N72 and 6630. Usage is free and is currently in Beta version. There is an interesting system to connect the access points with the function autostart puo essere usato per avere connettività in muovimento. Include la connettività FON. Le novità di questo fring richiedono un post dedicato.
  • Connessione: La velocità di connessione è nella media, la lista contatti viene poi caricata lentamente. Nota menzione il fatto che le credenziali di accesso ai servizi sono memorizzate presso il server Fring, una volta impostate le credenziali è possibile accedere con una sola password, tuttavia si sta dando la possibilità a Fring di accedere ai servizi (ma non ho mai riscontrato abusi o problemi di sorta).
  • Lista Contatti:La lista contatti è di difficile consultazione se si hanno molti contatti perché Fring non implementa i gruppi e di add default phone contacts (numbers for SkypeOut)
  • Messages: Messages are screen space with a relatively small font. For outgoing messages and the status bar is added to a commercial site fring. If the received message in standby or if you are employed in other applications instead display a notification, the program moves to the fore by stealing fire from what you are doing - it is annoying ... imagine that you are valuable to take a picture or find an address in the phone book or write a text message when the last of your contacts remember to send a very useful "LOL" forcing you to start over from scratch ...
  • Extra Features: Audio Call Possible Free via WiFi or data connection type of Flat.
  • Services suppport : Skype, MSN, ICQ, SIP (Eutelia, stepmother) , Gtalk, Twitter, Yahoo, AIM, Orkut, Yndex, Gmail, Facebook
minifring of Fring.com
Fring.com You download from the site when you choose a non-Series S60 mobile phone. I'm not risucire to start it because my NokiaN82 is not supported. In theory it should give access to chat features without the ability to make voice calls.

Slick of LonelyCatGames
It 's a messenger Semra real quality. Tested under MSN behaved at or better than other clients. When using the contact list menu takes a nice motion blur. The application is free because it is still in beta, it is extremely likely to become paying later. WARNING: after a chat with Slick I found your phone bills to almost zero. It could be a mistake to count WIND but more likely the program is a tendency to waste the bandwidth - so I have to advise against.
  • Connection: The average speed is fast with no problems.
  • Contact list: The list of contacts is easy to use and is sorted by groups.
  • Posts: Slick warns of active standby screen if there are any unread messages since the application has been in the background. The font used is very small and therefore the longer message can be read easily and fit entirely into the screen. You can send and receive nudges. The program remembers the last exchange of messages with contacts
  • Supported services: ICQ, Yahoo, AIM, MSN, Gtalk, Jabber
Microsoft Windows Live
You download only from the center of the mobile phone download nokia , you can not find it directly on some website "legal" because Microsoft wants to control the geographic distribution, the note also warns that the use is free but that may change in future. As the official MSN client is only compatible with this standard. I'm experiencing problems with your phone with an annoying crash + reboot.
  • Connection: The connection to the messenger service is slow and unreliable . Often there is dinanziall'avviso "could not connect" even though our contacts come up as "online" with the result that we risk losing messages.
  • Contact List: The contact list is divided into to groups, but online status (online and offline). It 'still pretty immediate consultation.
  • Messages: Messages are displayed with large fonts. On the standby screen shows a small icon msn arrival a message.
  • Extra Features: The only one that allows you to change your display picture. Integrated with Windows Live which allows the use of box Hotmail also Symbian.
  • suppport services: MSN
Skype for mobile (which is now called "beta lite")
It 's really bad. Read my old post on the subject . Not recommended, rather Fring installed.
Services suppport : Only Skype - Chat Free all chargeable calls
(Free Trial)

IM + Messenger of Shapeservices
A Another messenger - there is a trial period of 7 days free but it is not always remembered at startup. He leans heavily on the site of the manufacturer to send files to contacts , in fact this goes for a site and your contact will be sent a link to download the file (possible security issues if someone intercepts the link ). Interessante il consumo di batteria che risulta essere limitato. Sul mio N82 ho riscontrato anche problemi di stabilità con l'applicazione che blocca il telefono (per esempio quanco si cambia il messaggio di stato). Ho anche un problema con gli avatar che non vengono caricati.
  • Connessione: Nella media con gli altri messenger.
  • Lista Contatti: La lista contatti non è di facilissima consultazione perché di default è ordinata per icone, sono presenti i gruppi, c'è un problema di visualizzazione degli avatar che non vengono caricati.
  • Messaggi: Il font è grande ed i messaggi lunghi non entrano interamente nello schermo. C'è una cache con la storia dei messaggi passati.
  • Caratteristiche Extra: Registra i messaggi che si possono consultare anche in seguito.
  • Servizi suppportati : AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ, Jabber, Google Talk e MySpace
IM+ For Skype di Shapeservices
Questo è un altro messenger dedicato a skype. E' una vaccata al pari di "skype lite" con l'aggravante di essere a pagamento. La configurazione iniziale è complicata. Le telefonate si pagano!!!! Ovvero tu chiami un contatto e Skype ti richiama dal loro server. Se chiami qualcuno al computer paghi la chiamata skype verso il tuo cellulare, se chiami uno sul cellulare paghi 2 chiamate: one to your number and one to its number.
  • Services suppport : Only Skype - Free Chat all chargeable calls
Mobile Agile Agilent.
The client is not free and what is remembered now, 7 day trial.
Connection: Quick, the connection screen lets you choose the services to which you are accessing. Among the paying customers is perhaps the most honest.
Contact List: The contact list is sorted by groups and the font used is small so there are no problems to find the contact you need.
Location: Long messages may not to enter all of the screen. The navigation system of the contact list and chat windows is one of the better implemented but it takes maybe a bit too much screen space. The notifications of new messages are also displayed on the screen waiting
Extra Features: Send audio clips in contact with the center button. The message history can be saved.
Services suppport : MSN, ICQ, AOL, Yahoo, Jabber, Google

Winner Fring which allows you to make calls to voice over Wi-Fi 3G. Slick would be tied with the data if it does not suck worse di bittorrent.

Altri motivi tra cui il costo sconsigliano l'uso degli altri messenger, in particolare Skype Lite e sopratutto IM+ for skype dove rischiate di pagare TUTTO (Il programma, il costo delle chiamate e i dati trasferiti per le chat)

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Credit Card Lost?

Durante un mio viaggio mi è capitato di smarrire una delle 2 carte di credito. Probabilmente a un FastFood o ancora più probabilmente la ho dimenticata in un bancomat modello "russia2001" che per cortesia prima ti da i soldi, lo scontrino e poi la carta... ma la carta con comodo 1 o più minuti dopo.

Morale della favola, quando me ne sono accorto ho panicato l'essenziale e poi ho chiamato senza indugio service for the block of cards.

The lesson of the day is: save the number of international barring service Credit Cards BEFORE LEAVING because if you happen after it's too late.

cards abroad the Italian post office hang with these numbers:
  • PostePay (VISA Electron): 0039 02 34 980 131
  • Bancoposta (Interbank Master): 0039 02 34 980 132
  • Service number common to all cards postal abroad: 0039 081 22 5555 5
For your bank subsidiaries on the corresponding Web site.

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Nokia E and N - Converter

Converter is a useful program in many Nokia phones. It 's free, even better, is already included in the scope of basic software.

Its function is to translate one unit into another unit. Anyways for the "Miles" VS "Kilometer" affecting relatively few, but where it becomes extremely useful is in the currency conversion.

I was recently traveling to Northern Europe, where for reasons of intelligence did not accept the euro. In these countries, as in the rest of the world, there is the problem dell'abituarsi mentally to change the currency. Within one week I changed four types of currency other ... on occasion I have been useful to consult the trusty Nokia and its Currency Converter.

How do you use? While the unit conversions are preset at the factory (it is unlikely that the various exchange rate Km / Mi) currency conversions should be set manually.

To check the conversion rate to the euro go forward with confidence to this site (http://www.oanda.com/convert/classic?lang=it) and you will find the exchange rates for all currencies of the world ready to be placed in your converter. Put the euro in the first column and the foreign currency in the second, we put out two lowest values \u200b\u200bin the converter. E' il tasso di vendita di valuta estera che vi sarà probabilmente praticato dalla vostra banca...

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As a Nokia phone you can change a holiday

Ciao al lettore solitario. In passato era abbastanza difficile cavarsela facilmente in situazioni di emergenza. Al turista si presentavano spesso dilemmi a volta di non facile soluzione:
  1. L'evenienza di furti e/o smarrimento dei titoli di credito
  2. Tenersi in contatto con la famiglia in maniera economica senza dover investire in carte telefoniche
  3. Portarsi a presso svariate carte geografiche per orientarsi in città sconosciute
  4. Valutare i costi di beni in altre valute
  5. Protect personal data such as credit card and PIN login credentials to web services
  6. Chatting with friends during free time or even to ask for some information on the fly
  7. Protect and recover your mobile phone in case of loss
  8. Remember where you made the photo (can happen)
  9. Check Gmail
I tried some of these problems on your skin Well I am very satisfied by the conduct of my Nokia N-series ( N82 to be exact). In the post below I describe the use of some gems that are found within the soft phone and some programs that you can buy to improve performance. Since a blog is, by definition, difficult to navigate will try to link them with the keyword nokia.

conclusion should not be sick of Technology as a writer to fully enjoy the positive aspects: D

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

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Community Association Nova Vida


promoting a better quality of life for children and adolescents, enabling their integration into society and the labor market through an extended training moral, intellectual and technique.

Mission To contribute to the growth and development of children and adolescents in situations of risk and social problems, for them to improve their quality of life.


In 1987, with the arrival of Father Gino Sape Novo and Sister Hope, one begins a job with women in the area of \u200b\u200b1990 arrives prostituzione.Nel Sister Lucia and continue with the literacy of women and accompanying children denutriti.Dopo five years of work result in a need to create a structure that can accommodate children: the creche.

currently are helped 920 children from 1 to 18 years.

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Area Implementation

Social Care and Education, which corresponds to the Activity:
Socio-Educational, Promotion and Defense of Human Children's Rights Adolescents and
en social risk situation, and Personal.


pay attention socio-educational action aimed at children,
adolescents, families and the line of organization and operation of the Institutions.

The first line includes three projects:

Childhood Education

Activity Creche (Asilo nido):
Laboratorio di Studio, Educazione dell’Arte, Educazione Spirituale,
Attività di Ricreazione e d’Igiene, Controllo del peso,

Attività di educazione infantile:
Coordinazione motoria, Educazione alla Lotta dello Sfruttamento,
Attività Ludiche e Pedagogiche, Lettura, Scrittura.

Activities for Young People:
Workshop of street dance, Capoeira, Sport, Education
empowerment, plastic language, Recreation,
Laboratory theme for the human, spiritual and town.

attention to families:

thematic workshops, gym, meetings and empowerment.
In the second line, activities are organized :
Management and operation of the Institutional ACNV;
Cars - Training;
livelihoods and Communication.


- the General Assembly of Members
- Meetings of Directors
- Meetings of the Executive Coordinator
- Dating Monitoring, Planning and Evaluation of actions
- Study Groups
- Spirituality
- Meetings of training for officials
Development Projects - Fund Raising and Disclosure of actions

Activities sono sviluppate in due Centri:
La Creche Nova Vida (sede), che riceve Bambini da 1 a 6 anni di età;
La Casa Novo Futuro che lavora con bambini e adolescenti
da 7 a 17 anni di età.

Mantiene le sue attività attraverso le adozioni delle persone físiche e piccoli progetti.

Pastoral do Menor, Casa pequeno Davi, Concern Universal,
Prefeitura Municipal de Sapé.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Diagram Of How Digital Camera Works

Creche Nova Vida
The creche, which in Portuguese means kindergarten, is an area where
are welcomed 220 children from 1 to 16 years.
is designed as a place of human relationships
peaceful and constructive for the mental and physical growth of children.

are offered three meals a day to help reduce the rate of malnutrition.

The business activities in nature:
- Novelty pedagogical
- recreational;
- dance
- capoeira.

Label The Parts Of A Sailboat

Casa Novo Futuro

is a space dedicated to children and adolescents
7 to 17 years. I
180 divisi in due gruppi tra mattino e pomeriggio.
Con gli educatori svolgono un lavoro di formazione umana, etica
e sociale discutendo tematiche collegate allo
"Statuto dei Bambini e degli Adolescenti", ai loro diritti
e al lavoro della Pastorale dei Minori.

Le attivitá svolte sono:
- doposcuola;
- momenti di preghiera;
- laboratori di: bigiotteria, ricamo, arte plastica;
- corso di informatica;
- dança de rua;
- capoeira;
- percussioni.

Ad ognuno é garantito un pasto giornaliero.

Bycicle Birthday Cakes

Casa Nova Família

Nasce nel 2001 per accogliere bambine e adolescenti da 6 a 18 anni
in situazione di rischio sociale, abbandono familiare e violenza, con
lo scopo di aiutare e dare loro l´affetto e il calore di una famiglia.

How To Make A Ckae Like Car

Aiuti alle Famiglie

L´ACNV aiuta mensilmente 130 famiglie che non hanno figli accolti nella
Creche Nova Vida e nella Casa Novo Futuro, con alimenti, medicinali
e materiale scolastico.
Ogni mese si fa un lavoro di accompagnamento discutendo delle
problematiche sociali.

Transfer Boat Licence, Ontario


Community Association New Life

Indirizzo: Rua Belino Souto, 162

CEP (CAP): 58340-000 Brazil CP Thatcham

Telephone: 0055-83-3283-3834

Mail: acnv_cnf@yahoo.com. br


Bank of Brazil's Paraíba

Banking: 001 Bank of Brazil Joao Pessoa PB.

Agenzia: 0011-6

Codice Internazionale: SWIFT: Codice Fiscale BRASBRRJSDR

: 02.634.814/0001-25

Bank of Brazil: 001

Agenzia: 0625

Tale Current: num. 5. 173 - Xav.

Commander R. Ribeiro Coutinho 1886

Sapé - PB

Molte cose possono aspettare...
I Bambini non possono...
Per loro non possiamo rispondere "domani"...
Il loro nome é "Oggi"...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dental Nurse Cover Letter

connection to the Internet with Mac and Nokia N Series

Connecting to the Internet with an Apple computer and the Nokia is not very difficult but some parameters are difficult to change.

1) Prepare your phone:
The process begins from the phone, you have to put an important parameter. To do this we must enter the menu - then go to the Tools folder and finally Impostazioni.

Scorrere il menu delle impostazioni vino alla voce "connessioni" e scegliere "Dati a Pacchetto"

I settaggi sono:
  • Conn.Dati a Pacchetto: Su richiesta (importante se avete un contratto di tipo a Tempo come il Mega ore)
  • Punto di accesso: internet.wind (scritto così, in minuscolo)
  • HSPA: Attivato (se disponibile attiva la modalità 3,5G fino a 3 megabit in download)

2.1) Preparare il MAC - Bluetooth
Se vogliamo usare la connessione Bluetooth allora dobbiamo tenere presente due cose importanti:
  1. The phone battery will last less, and must keep open the data connection with the network that the bluetooth connection with our mac
  2. The maximum transfer rate will be limited to 90Kb/Sec because the bluetooth is now slower connections HSPA (up to a theoretical maximum of 600Kb/Sec)
However, the bluetooth connection is more convenient, you can put your phone wherever you like and do not need to bring along the cable. Then proceed

1 - Turn on Bluetooth on nokia (Tools - Settings - Connections - Bluetooth), and then active and visible to all in the first two items.
2 - On the Mac icon clicckare of B (bluetooth) and select add a device, it opens a wizard to add Bluetooth devices. Choose "qualsiesi device from the list." The MAC will find our phone in seconds. Select it and click on
3 - Continue with the next window, remember that you leave the option to access the network through celllulare.
4 - The next step is very important because there is to change the number to dial, I am attaching the screen with the wrong number. Leave the setting "Nokia Infrared".
The correct number to enter is * 99 *** 1 #

5 - We finished. To connect simply click the phone icon on the status bar (top right) and click Connect. Keeping an eye on costs.

2.2) Prepare the MAC - USB connection
The USB connection has some theoretical advantages over the Bluetooth connection speed and battery life of mobile phone.

1 - Connect the USB cable to your Mac and your Nokia. On the phone click connect "PC Suite"
2 - mac into the Control Panel and choose Network. If everything went well you are presented with this screen:
We now have a new network connection with our Nokia N-series From here we go TAB called on the PPP. The only area with something inside will be the "phone number". We can leave * 99 #.
3 - This is the important step. TAB to go to "Modem" list and check the "modem" you have to put the value "Nokia Infrared" as per attached picture!

4 - To join just click the phone icon and choose our N-something and then connect. Here, too attentive to the connection costs.

speed test '
I did two speed tests. Fortunately, my area is covered with a 3.5 G network, Wind and the signal is good enough. The results are obvious.
Bluetooth connection: Down 866Kbps - 275Kbps Up - Ping 275 ms
USB Connection: 1158Kbps Down - 344kbps Up - Ping 153 ms
JoikuSpot Connection: Down one hundred and first Kbps - Up 170 Kbps
As imagined the cable connection is not choked with Bluetooth. It also seems that there is a big advantage on latency and this could be highly relevant to the Application Voip games and a time of 153 is not too bad on a cellular network.

The third test I made with the program JoikuSpot Light that allows you to use your mobile as an Access Point. The "Light" version is free but the access point created is not protected by password, and then everyone can browse and connetercisi (bad if you have a contract for data and time).

It 'also important to place the right phone for the connection. My N82 has fewer than 3 antennas (GPS/wifi-bluetooth/GSM-3g). Put him in a position where the GSM signal is very strong. This is certainly more complicated with the cable with bluetooth, a bad connection to the network cancels the advantage of using the cable and may be better to use the wireless system.

Note: In creating this guide I used a freeware program called Screenshot for Symbian that found at this address .