Instant Messenger for Nokia Symbian S60 (series E and N) - Review of Most Popular solutions for instant messenger system in the S60 are different. In this post I review some. - Post in the works will be completed today or tomorrow with the screens of mobile phones -
Fring of And 'the only function of the messenger sent to the audio
phone. Unlike everyone else is compatible with the protocol and can make calls to skype contact messenger and allows the use of SIP
to make free calls even on non-enabled Nokia N70 as a recent and little, N72 and 6630. Usage is free and is currently in Beta version. There is an interesting system to connect the access points with the function autostart puo essere usato per avere connettività in muovimento. Include la connettività FON. Le novità di questo fring richiedono un post dedicato.
- Connessione: La velocità di connessione è nella media, la lista contatti viene poi caricata lentamente. Nota menzione il fatto che le credenziali di accesso ai servizi sono memorizzate presso il server Fring, una volta impostate le credenziali è possibile accedere con una sola password, tuttavia si sta dando la possibilità a Fring di accedere ai servizi (ma non ho mai riscontrato abusi o problemi di sorta).
- Lista Contatti:La lista contatti è di difficile consultazione se si hanno molti contatti perché Fring non implementa i gruppi e di add default phone contacts (numbers for SkypeOut)
- Messages: Messages are screen space with a relatively small font. For outgoing messages and the status bar is added to a commercial site fring. If the received message in standby or if you are employed in other applications instead display a notification, the program moves to the fore by stealing fire from what you are doing - it is annoying ... imagine that you are valuable to take a picture or find an address in the phone book or write a text message when the last of your contacts remember to send a very useful "LOL" forcing you to start over from scratch ...
- Extra Features: Audio Call Possible Free via WiFi or data connection type of Flat.
- Services suppport : Skype, MSN, ICQ, SIP (Eutelia, stepmother) , Gtalk, Twitter, Yahoo, AIM, Orkut, Yndex, Gmail, Facebook
minifring of You download from the site when you choose a non-Series S60 mobile phone. I'm not risucire to start it because my NokiaN82 is not supported. In theory it should give access to chat features without the ability to make voice calls.
Slick of LonelyCatGames It 's a messenger Semra real quality. Tested under MSN behaved at or better than other clients. When using the contact list menu takes a nice motion blur. The application is free because it is still in beta, it is extremely likely to become paying later.
WARNING: after a chat with Slick I found your phone bills to almost zero. It could be a mistake to count WIND but more likely the program is a tendency to waste the bandwidth - so I have to advise against.
- Connection: The average speed is fast with no problems.
- Contact list: The list of contacts is easy to use and is sorted by groups.
- Posts: Slick warns of active standby screen if there are any unread messages since the application has been in the background. The font used is very small and therefore the longer message can be read easily and fit entirely into the screen. You can send and receive nudges. The program remembers the last exchange of messages with contacts
- Supported services: ICQ, Yahoo, AIM, MSN, Gtalk, Jabber
Microsoft Windows Live You download only from the center of the mobile phone download nokia , you can not find it directly on some website "legal" because Microsoft wants to control the geographic distribution, the note also warns that the use is free but that may change in future. As the official MSN client is only compatible with this standard. I'm experiencing problems with your phone with an annoying crash + reboot.
- Connection: The connection to the messenger service is slow and unreliable . Often there is dinanziall'avviso "could not connect" even though our contacts come up as "online" with the result that we risk losing messages.
- Contact List: The contact list is divided into to groups, but online status (online and offline). It 'still pretty immediate consultation.
- Messages: Messages are displayed with large fonts. On the standby screen shows a small icon msn arrival a message.
- Extra Features: The only one that allows you to change your display picture. Integrated with Windows Live which allows the use of box Hotmail also Symbian.
- suppport services: MSN
Skype for mobile (which is now called "beta lite")
It 's really bad. Read my old post on the subject
. Not recommended, rather Fring installed.
Services suppport : Only Skype - Chat Free all chargeable calls
(Free Trial)
IM + Messenger of
Shapeservices A Another messenger - there is a trial period of 7 days free but it is not always remembered at startup.
He leans heavily on the site of the manufacturer to send files to contacts , in fact this goes for a site and your contact will be sent a link to download the file (possible security issues if someone intercepts the link ). Interessante il consumo di batteria che risulta essere limitato. Sul mio N82 ho riscontrato anche problemi di stabilità con l'applicazione che blocca il telefono (per esempio quanco si cambia il messaggio di stato). Ho anche un problema con gli avatar che non vengono caricati.
- Connessione: Nella media con gli altri messenger.
- Lista Contatti: La lista contatti non è di facilissima consultazione perché di default è ordinata per icone, sono presenti i gruppi, c'è un problema di visualizzazione degli avatar che non vengono caricati.
- Messaggi: Il font è grande ed i messaggi lunghi non entrano interamente nello schermo. C'è una cache con la storia dei messaggi passati.
- Caratteristiche Extra: Registra i messaggi che si possono consultare anche in seguito.
- Servizi suppportati : AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ, Jabber, Google Talk e MySpace
IM+ For Skype di
Shapeservices Questo è un altro messenger dedicato a skype. E' una vaccata al pari di "skype lite" con l'aggravante di essere a pagamento. La configurazione iniziale è complicata. Le telefonate si pagano!!!! Ovvero tu chiami un contatto e Skype ti richiama dal loro server. Se chiami qualcuno al computer paghi la chiamata skype verso il tuo cellulare, se chiami uno sul cellulare paghi 2 chiamate: one to your number and one to its number.
- Services suppport : Only Skype - Free Chat all chargeable calls
Mobile Agile Agilent. The client is not free and what is remembered now, 7 day trial.
Connection: Quick, the connection screen lets you choose the services to which you are accessing. Among the paying customers is perhaps the most honest.
Contact List: The contact list is sorted by groups and the font used is small so there are no problems to find the contact you need.
Location: Long messages may not to enter all of the screen. The navigation system of the contact list and chat windows is one of the better implemented but it takes maybe a bit too much screen space. The notifications of new messages are also displayed on the screen waiting
Extra Features: Send audio clips in contact with the center button. The message history can be saved.
Services suppport : MSN, ICQ, AOL, Yahoo, Jabber, Google
Winner Fring which allows you to make calls to voice over Wi-Fi 3G. Slick would be tied with the data if it does not suck worse di bittorrent.
Altri motivi tra cui il costo sconsigliano l'uso degli altri messenger, in particolare Skype Lite e sopratutto IM+ for skype dove rischiate di pagare TUTTO (Il programma, il costo delle chiamate e i dati trasferiti per le chat)