credit crisis.
The debt crisis or simply put the game dell'aeroplanino. It is not the first time that the American capitalist system goes to the ball because of the lack of common sense, but this time they have brought in from around the world.
The Credit Crisis of Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo .
Unfortunately, that system is working the same way in Rome.
maybe someone remembers in particular a bank granting loans at variable rates to everyone? I do. And the price of houses is therefore Espoli because if all those who are not income credit can go for hundreds of millions of euro this seriously affects the application. The result will be identical to that of the United States, compounded by the fact that this excess supply of credit is associated with the construction of new homes in the "civility" around the ring road.
In this regard I recommend to everyone watching the movie's Report "The King of Rome" ( text at this link) and also given a look at the video here . Enjoy
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Camper Vans In Central Scotland
Gentile professor Flamigni, vorrei sapere cosa si intende per "assistenza attenta e competente, anche nel periodo post operatorio" circa le donne (che ne fanno richiesta) che si sottopongono ad IVG nel II trimestre di gestazione.
Le pongo questa domanda perché nei tre fogli che ho dovuto firmare per sottopormi all'IVG alla ventunesima settimana, non vi era traccia di questa possibilità, ma apprendendo in quel momento il fatto che mia figlia sarebbe potuta essere abortita viva (come infatti è stato) se mi fosse stata prospettata la possibilità di receive "careful and competent assistance, including in the postoperative period" I would not have hesitated to make such requests.
Besides I do not care I received attentive and competent, even when abortion, because due to the shortage of non-objector in the structure to which I turned to abort my pregnancy, I started to induce labor in under the careful supervision of trained personnel in the Department of the IVG, but when one o'clock this department has closed for lack of adequate staff (outside of the gynecologist on duty that day) I found myself directly on a bed of childbirth, to continue the insertion of plugs of prostaglandins, including inattentive staff, and without la possibilità di ricevere assistenza e conforto dai parenti. Questo perché nella struttura ospedaliera più grande, della grande città del sud dove è avvenuto ciò, non è permesso ai parenti delle pazienti di avere accesso alle sale travaglio e parto. Quando poi il ginecologo non obiettore ha terminato il turno, ho dovuto cominciare e proseguire con il travaglio ed il parto sotto la supervisione di medici e paramedici obiettori. Non è certo colpa dell'ospedale se nella mia città come altrove ci sono talmente pochi non obiettori da non riuscire ad assicurare alle pazienti di poter completare l'aborto sempre in presenza di personale adeguato, ma dal momento che ciò inevitabilmente accade, noi donne che ci sottoponiamo ad IVG del II trimestre, stando a ciò che lei stesso asserisce nel suo documento sull'Interruzione volontaria della gravidanza" non dovremmo avere diritto almeno alla presenza dei parenti nelle sale parto e travaglio? Secondo lei potrei essere in diritto (e vincere la causa) di denunciare l'ospedale per tale negligenza? E per la mancata segnalazione della possibilità di ricevere a richiesta attenta e competente anche nel periodo post operatorio? Non lo farei per soldi (quale cifra potrebbe ripagarmi dei dieci mesi di terapia psichiatrica trascorsi fra un estate a base di sedativi, ed un autunno ed un inverno con antidepressivi?) ma solo nella speranza di poter evitare ad altre donne nelle mie condizioni, di subire la disattenzione ed il travaglio psicologico da me suffered.
Pending courteous response I send cordial greetings
"Overall, the interventions of the second trimester abortions are very traumatic - both physically and psychologically - and women who request need assistance caring and competent even in the postoperative period. " The document "abortion" on the site of the professor of the State Ethics Commission, Carlo Flamigni
assistance competent and careful of what you speak è l'assistenza che qualsiasi ospedale è tenuto a fornire a qualsiasi paziente in qualsiasi circostanza clinica, nè più nè meno. Le ragioni per le quali un paziente o una paziente possono non ricevere l'assistenza alla quale hanno diritto sono quasi sempre legate alla forza maggiore o a una colpevole disattenzione; nella fattispecie, trattandosi di una interruzione di gravidanza, le ragioni - non giustificabili, naturalmente - sono spesso dovute a carenza di personale. Questa anomalia è di responsabilità dell direttore sanirario, del primario e del presidente dell'azienda ospedaliera nella grande maggioranza dei casi.Questo è il rusiltato della lettura del libri di medicina legale, non è una mia opinione personale. Nel suo caso, but this is a problem that seems to escape their control, because as she herself has found the main problem concerns the application of Law 194 of conscientious objection, he was right to exist at the time of approving the law, but now should be abolished. With this government and this majority, so sensitive to the wishes Vatican, it will be difficult to achieve something in this way-I also think that your chances of winning a case and to give precedence to His reasons are almost non-existent. The case law on this subject is confusing and not deal with it is my job, I am not a medical examiner. Now, if he wants to sue the hospital, talk to a lawyer, I do not see how I could help her. If you are going to make it a political issue, to join me in this fight against the claim. Greetings
Carlo Flamigni
Gentile professor Flamigni, vorrei sapere cosa si intende per "assistenza attenta e competente, anche nel periodo post operatorio" circa le donne (che ne fanno richiesta) che si sottopongono ad IVG nel II trimestre di gestazione.
Le pongo questa domanda perché nei tre fogli che ho dovuto firmare per sottopormi all'IVG alla ventunesima settimana, non vi era traccia di questa possibilità, ma apprendendo in quel momento il fatto che mia figlia sarebbe potuta essere abortita viva (come infatti è stato) se mi fosse stata prospettata la possibilità di receive "careful and competent assistance, including in the postoperative period" I would not have hesitated to make such requests.
Besides I do not care I received attentive and competent, even when abortion, because due to the shortage of non-objector in the structure to which I turned to abort my pregnancy, I started to induce labor in under the careful supervision of trained personnel in the Department of the IVG, but when one o'clock this department has closed for lack of adequate staff (outside of the gynecologist on duty that day) I found myself directly on a bed of childbirth, to continue the insertion of plugs of prostaglandins, including inattentive staff, and without la possibilità di ricevere assistenza e conforto dai parenti. Questo perché nella struttura ospedaliera più grande, della grande città del sud dove è avvenuto ciò, non è permesso ai parenti delle pazienti di avere accesso alle sale travaglio e parto. Quando poi il ginecologo non obiettore ha terminato il turno, ho dovuto cominciare e proseguire con il travaglio ed il parto sotto la supervisione di medici e paramedici obiettori. Non è certo colpa dell'ospedale se nella mia città come altrove ci sono talmente pochi non obiettori da non riuscire ad assicurare alle pazienti di poter completare l'aborto sempre in presenza di personale adeguato, ma dal momento che ciò inevitabilmente accade, noi donne che ci sottoponiamo ad IVG del II trimestre, stando a ciò che lei stesso asserisce nel suo documento sull'Interruzione volontaria della gravidanza" non dovremmo avere diritto almeno alla presenza dei parenti nelle sale parto e travaglio? Secondo lei potrei essere in diritto (e vincere la causa) di denunciare l'ospedale per tale negligenza? E per la mancata segnalazione della possibilità di ricevere a richiesta attenta e competente anche nel periodo post operatorio? Non lo farei per soldi (quale cifra potrebbe ripagarmi dei dieci mesi di terapia psichiatrica trascorsi fra un estate a base di sedativi, ed un autunno ed un inverno con antidepressivi?) ma solo nella speranza di poter evitare ad altre donne nelle mie condizioni, di subire la disattenzione ed il travaglio psicologico da me suffered.
Pending courteous response I send cordial greetings
"Overall, the interventions of the second trimester abortions are very traumatic - both physically and psychologically - and women who request need assistance caring and competent even in the postoperative period. " The document "abortion" on the site of the professor of the State Ethics Commission, Carlo Flamigni
assistance competent and careful of what you speak è l'assistenza che qualsiasi ospedale è tenuto a fornire a qualsiasi paziente in qualsiasi circostanza clinica, nè più nè meno. Le ragioni per le quali un paziente o una paziente possono non ricevere l'assistenza alla quale hanno diritto sono quasi sempre legate alla forza maggiore o a una colpevole disattenzione; nella fattispecie, trattandosi di una interruzione di gravidanza, le ragioni - non giustificabili, naturalmente - sono spesso dovute a carenza di personale. Questa anomalia è di responsabilità dell direttore sanirario, del primario e del presidente dell'azienda ospedaliera nella grande maggioranza dei casi.Questo è il rusiltato della lettura del libri di medicina legale, non è una mia opinione personale. Nel suo caso, but this is a problem that seems to escape their control, because as she herself has found the main problem concerns the application of Law 194 of conscientious objection, he was right to exist at the time of approving the law, but now should be abolished. With this government and this majority, so sensitive to the wishes Vatican, it will be difficult to achieve something in this way-I also think that your chances of winning a case and to give precedence to His reasons are almost non-existent. The case law on this subject is confusing and not deal with it is my job, I am not a medical examiner. Now, if he wants to sue the hospital, talk to a lawyer, I do not see how I could help her. If you are going to make it a political issue, to join me in this fight against the claim. Greetings
Carlo Flamigni
Thursday, March 26, 2009
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The incident dates back to before 2004. I met this girl at the Gaslini hospital where he had to do the amniocentesis because in the previous pregnancy had been diagnosed with a genetic disease, and had practiced therapeutic abortion to just 5 months at San Martino di Genova.
was so traumatized ... had given birth alone, immediately after birth had left her without even going to see how she was for hours, because relatives had not heard from her ... I know then that she wanted to see / bury the fetus .... but this fetus if they are unknown, no one knew what they had done and in fact was in dispute with the hospital for that reason. I
Gaslini to have been hospitalized over a month and unfortunately I've seen things, but I know that abortions to women who gave the best room in the hospital, but without roommates followed by staff and physicians.
(...) I believe that what you're doing is a useful thing and I am very sorry for what you spent. Hello ______( 03/26/2009)
SOURCE: message sent privately to the author of the blog.
was so traumatized ... had given birth alone, immediately after birth had left her without even going to see how she was for hours, because relatives had not heard from her ... I know then that she wanted to see / bury the fetus .... but this fetus if they are unknown, no one knew what they had done and in fact was in dispute with the hospital for that reason. I
Gaslini to have been hospitalized over a month and unfortunately I've seen things, but I know that abortions to women who gave the best room in the hospital, but without roommates followed by staff and physicians.
(...) I believe that what you're doing is a useful thing and I am very sorry for what you spent. Hello ______( 03/26/2009)
SOURCE: message sent privately to the author of the blog.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
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Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy: THE EXAMPLE OF PIEDMONT
INTERVIEWS RELEASED IN 2008 "The solution? - Pretendere che i nuovi assunti non siano obiettori - spiega il dottor Francesco Leone, responsabile del servizio di interruzione volontaria di gravidanza (del Secondo Policlinico di Napoli n.d.r.)
FONTE articolo di Laura Eudati
Qualcosa di simile fu fatta in Piemonte, ed infatti nell'ospedale San Lorenzo di Carmagnola (To) per eliminare la sofferenza (fisica..) da un aborto terapeutico con travaglio, impiegano antidolorifici e su richiesta l'epidurale!!! Anche se rallenta il travaglio, ma in altri ospedali l'epidurale le partorienti se la sognano....
"Da una parte lo scarso numero di medici non obiettori, dall´altra la carenza di presidi: di chi la responsabilità dello sfascio? «Sono anni che i manager avrebbero dovuto darsi da fare», osserva Gasbarro,(direttore dell'ospedale La Schiana di Pozzuoli n.d.r.) «e istituire un numero congruo di Ivg nel settore pubblico per soddisfare le richieste. E invece, niente. La situazione è quasi quella di 20 anni fa. Io ho insistito per tre anni prima di ottenere il servizio».
Anche per sopperire alle carenze di personale (ginecologi, anestesisti e infermieri), Gasbarri ha una ricetta: «Dando per scontato che la maggioranza sia rappresentata da obiettori, basterebbe far ruotare quei pochi colleghi che non lo sono nei vari ospedali. O, anche, basterebbe assumere personale ad ore solo per le Ivg. In Piemonte si fa così da anni, come mai qui non è possibile?». Because, as the Pope explains, "often you end up with doctors who were recruited for the IVG, only six months after they become objectors." SOURCE
INTERVIEWS RELEASED IN 2008 "The solution? - Pretendere che i nuovi assunti non siano obiettori - spiega il dottor Francesco Leone, responsabile del servizio di interruzione volontaria di gravidanza (del Secondo Policlinico di Napoli n.d.r.)
FONTE articolo di Laura Eudati
Qualcosa di simile fu fatta in Piemonte, ed infatti nell'ospedale San Lorenzo di Carmagnola (To) per eliminare la sofferenza (fisica..) da un aborto terapeutico con travaglio, impiegano antidolorifici e su richiesta l'epidurale!!! Anche se rallenta il travaglio, ma in altri ospedali l'epidurale le partorienti se la sognano....
"Da una parte lo scarso numero di medici non obiettori, dall´altra la carenza di presidi: di chi la responsabilità dello sfascio? «Sono anni che i manager avrebbero dovuto darsi da fare», osserva Gasbarro,(direttore dell'ospedale La Schiana di Pozzuoli n.d.r.) «e istituire un numero congruo di Ivg nel settore pubblico per soddisfare le richieste. E invece, niente. La situazione è quasi quella di 20 anni fa. Io ho insistito per tre anni prima di ottenere il servizio».
Anche per sopperire alle carenze di personale (ginecologi, anestesisti e infermieri), Gasbarri ha una ricetta: «Dando per scontato che la maggioranza sia rappresentata da obiettori, basterebbe far ruotare quei pochi colleghi che non lo sono nei vari ospedali. O, anche, basterebbe assumere personale ad ore solo per le Ivg. In Piemonte si fa così da anni, come mai qui non è possibile?». Because, as the Pope explains, "often you end up with doctors who were recruited for the IVG, only six months after they become objectors." SOURCE
Sunday, March 15, 2009
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Niguarda Hospital (MI) during a therapeutic abortion DENIED ASSISTANCE
"The response was indecent:
" No pain, are objector. "" I'm sorry, I am a conscientious objector, I can not do that, "A
anesthesiologist refused to administer a painkiller to a young woman admitted to a therapeutic abortion.
A young Ukrainian to 30 years in the throes of terrible pain, caused by the first action for induction of therapeutic abortion. The pain killer in question was not a simple pill that any doctor could have given to the woman, it was a strong anesthetic, the administration responsible for appointment to an anesthesiologist.
Posted Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 11:18 in the Recommendations section
Responses to "Niguarda, during a therapeutic abortion denied assistance"
February 25th, 2009 at 14:13
After I read your terrible experiences salt into a rage incontenibile.Anch 'I like you, unfortunately, I suffered the same treatment to my child I always wanted and desired more than anything in my life, was diagnosed with the syndrome down, and at 21 weeks I practiced abortion terapeutico.Inutile which is to recount the details of that monstrous experience, you leave them on that bed without any kind of moral support and any kind of antidolorifico.Sono was in labor for three days The child did not want to break away from my body for three days and I have given medicines that increase the pain to allow the uterus to contrarsi.Mi'm here to write and cry because I can not even be aware that my child is no longer inside me and I was the ucciderlo.A to these gentlemen, who choose to make in the lives of doctors, nurses and so on, should be taught even to have a bit of humanity and remember when they are faced with such cases like that in front of them is a woman who is dying with her child, and that abortion teraupeutico not to be confused with abortion, there is little volunteer when they put you in front of the reality that the child you are about to give birth to is down or suffers from a serious genetic disorder or born with serious birth defects. "
My comment is':
administered a painkiller to a woman while abortion is by no means help to have an abortion; objectors should be prohibited to object on the consciences of others with words and deeds. The state (with our taxes of taxpayers) should not be required to pay salaries (and pensions alas) to physicians and paramedics (SEDAN also and above) where the concepts of ethics / religious these dangerously interfere with work situations where you can find to work.

"The response was indecent:
" No pain, are objector. "" I'm sorry, I am a conscientious objector, I can not do that, "A
anesthesiologist refused to administer a painkiller to a young woman admitted to a therapeutic abortion.
A young Ukrainian to 30 years in the throes of terrible pain, caused by the first action for induction of therapeutic abortion. The pain killer in question was not a simple pill that any doctor could have given to the woman, it was a strong anesthetic, the administration responsible for appointment to an anesthesiologist.
Posted Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 11:18 in the Recommendations section
Responses to "Niguarda, during a therapeutic abortion denied assistance"
February 25th, 2009 at 14:13
After I read your terrible experiences salt into a rage incontenibile.Anch 'I like you, unfortunately, I suffered the same treatment to my child I always wanted and desired more than anything in my life, was diagnosed with the syndrome down, and at 21 weeks I practiced abortion terapeutico.Inutile which is to recount the details of that monstrous experience, you leave them on that bed without any kind of moral support and any kind of antidolorifico.Sono was in labor for three days The child did not want to break away from my body for three days and I have given medicines that increase the pain to allow the uterus to contrarsi.Mi'm here to write and cry because I can not even be aware that my child is no longer inside me and I was the ucciderlo.A to these gentlemen, who choose to make in the lives of doctors, nurses and so on, should be taught even to have a bit of humanity and remember when they are faced with such cases like that in front of them is a woman who is dying with her child, and that abortion teraupeutico not to be confused with abortion, there is little volunteer when they put you in front of the reality that the child you are about to give birth to is down or suffers from a serious genetic disorder or born with serious birth defects. "
My comment is':
administered a painkiller to a woman while abortion is by no means help to have an abortion; objectors should be prohibited to object on the consciences of others with words and deeds. The state (with our taxes of taxpayers) should not be required to pay salaries (and pensions alas) to physicians and paramedics (SEDAN also and above) where the concepts of ethics / religious these dangerously interfere with work situations where you can find to work.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
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"In the past I have very bad experience (IVG at the 19th) I have to admit that the hospital (Hospital San Lorenzo di Carmagnola - TO) has been a blessing. emoticon: Kiss Repartino small, brand new structure with two bedrooms and a private bathroom and incredibly human and attentive staff. (I have always been in the room alone emoticon: ok )
The 6 / 02 I went to take exams for anesthesia (urine, blood, ECG etc) and the day of admission, Monday, 09/02/2009, I spoke with the anesthesiologist, and data tests I confirmed the good possibility of pain relief, with two opportunities:
1. painkiller drip
2. if the pain is very high, the epidural catheter. Only downside was that it would have slowed down a bit 'contractions, therefore extended the agony.
At the time of labor, occurred after 5 ova prostaglandins emoticon: x: , I started having really bad. The infusion of the first painkiller somministratomi worked for a while '(they are even riuscita ad avere una sorta di sonno indotto), ma poi le contrazioni sono aumentate ed hanno dovuto cambiare farmaco, sempre in flebo, che ha funzionato egregiamente emoticon:ok . Ho evitato l'epidurale, ma avessi voluto, me l'avrebbero fatta senza problemi.
Durante tutto il travaglio l'ostetrica mi è sempre stata vicina, passando a trovarmi ogni 5-10 minuti. Un angelo. emoticon:cuore
Per ulteriori informazioni, (sull'ospedale n.d.r.).)cliccare (sul link alla pagina segnalata all'inizio del post. n.d.r.)
Il tutto, non dimentichiamoci, a spese del SSN! emoticon:sorrisoo "
"In the past I have very bad experience (IVG at the 19th) I have to admit that the hospital (Hospital San Lorenzo di Carmagnola - TO) has been a blessing. emoticon: Kiss Repartino small, brand new structure with two bedrooms and a private bathroom and incredibly human and attentive staff. (I have always been in the room alone emoticon: ok )
The 6 / 02 I went to take exams for anesthesia (urine, blood, ECG etc) and the day of admission, Monday, 09/02/2009, I spoke with the anesthesiologist, and data tests I confirmed the good possibility of pain relief, with two opportunities:
1. painkiller drip
2. if the pain is very high, the epidural catheter. Only downside was that it would have slowed down a bit 'contractions, therefore extended the agony.
At the time of labor, occurred after 5 ova prostaglandins emoticon: x: , I started having really bad. The infusion of the first painkiller somministratomi worked for a while '(they are even riuscita ad avere una sorta di sonno indotto), ma poi le contrazioni sono aumentate ed hanno dovuto cambiare farmaco, sempre in flebo, che ha funzionato egregiamente emoticon:ok . Ho evitato l'epidurale, ma avessi voluto, me l'avrebbero fatta senza problemi.
Durante tutto il travaglio l'ostetrica mi è sempre stata vicina, passando a trovarmi ogni 5-10 minuti. Un angelo. emoticon:cuore
Per ulteriori informazioni, (sull'ospedale n.d.r.).)cliccare (sul link alla pagina segnalata all'inizio del post. n.d.r.)
Il tutto, non dimentichiamoci, a spese del SSN! emoticon:sorrisoo "
Images Of Infections From Spa Pedicures
Painkillers and intracardiac injection to the fetus IVG THE X IN ITALY: MILAN
Until two years ago, as we read from the testimony that follows, Buzzi Hospital in Milan, he practiced the fetus an injection to stop the heart before the start of stimulation for induction to labor. With the death of Dr. Nicolini, who supervised the voluntary interruption of pregnancy of that hospital, this procedure was discontinued.
"who is in this painful situation, to know that eg Buzzi, Milan will make the intracardiac injection to the fetus or risk to give birth to live like in other places but it still happens emoticon: angry bomb, but only the mother injections of painkillers every three hours if you want (in whose administration I have to say they are anxious) but do not serve to almost nothing, forget the epidural (...) abroad ... sorry to say but there are a lot more than the woman's care from us ... with me (ed at Buzzi) were nice enough ,(...)
if you have news of hospitals offering abortions in Italy for an epidural, write it, because I remember all that from us ivg A is induced labor (which usually does not already have an epidural, let alone is un'ivg ...)
thanks to all those who find the strength to share valuable information here ... "

Until two years ago, as we read from the testimony that follows, Buzzi Hospital in Milan, he practiced the fetus an injection to stop the heart before the start of stimulation for induction to labor. With the death of Dr. Nicolini, who supervised the voluntary interruption of pregnancy of that hospital, this procedure was discontinued.
"who is in this painful situation, to know that eg Buzzi, Milan will make the intracardiac injection to the fetus or risk to give birth to live like in other places but it still happens emoticon: angry bomb, but only the mother injections of painkillers every three hours if you want (in whose administration I have to say they are anxious) but do not serve to almost nothing, forget the epidural (...) abroad ... sorry to say but there are a lot more than the woman's care from us ... with me (ed at Buzzi) were nice enough ,(...)
if you have news of hospitals offering abortions in Italy for an epidural, write it, because I remember all that from us ivg A is induced labor (which usually does not already have an epidural, let alone is un'ivg ...)
thanks to all those who find the strength to share valuable information here ... "
Friday, March 13, 2009
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Objectors Buzz: If you know avoid them!
following precautions LETTER SENT SATAMANE: Who knows if it will help 'NEVER TO SOMETHING .. Dear Dr.
. ------,
I am writing to bring to an incident relating to my abortion took place at ----------, which I think is not aware of.
am a woman who has undergone recently, at the center of abortions, which she directs, to a therapeutic abortion to 21settimana. Because unfortunately, as she feared, the product was expelled alive abortion, a nurse (maybe the nurse) with blond hair "menopause" and glasses, this morning of Saturday, June 8 '08, the question put by my mother about when I could be discharged from the hospital said I could not leave the structure before the birth registration of the birth of the baby. My mother was first a readiness to answer that in that case it would have been kidnapping and then, after a fellow gynecologist (objector) with all white hair and glasses all blacks, Dr. .----- - said, "weighs almost a pound, he realizes that could survive?" warned that his colleague (objector) Department of Emergency Obstetric and Gynecology, Dr. ------- to report this abuse. The doctor then the star of this episode was called to order, but I do not know if they were then taken further action.
I decided to recount this episode because from what I read di recente in una lettera inviata al quotidiano --------- da una paziente in condizioni sanitarie simili alle mie, ho appreso che qui in Italia si continuano a torturare psicologicamente persone già provate abbastanza dalla vita.
Sperando di non averLe sottratto troppo tempo al Suo già duro lavoro, La saluto cordialmente.
----- -----
P.S. Il dottore in questione, anche durante il mio travaglio, si è reso protagonista di un'altro episodio ben poco gratificante; tuttavia ritenendo che le denunce giudiziarie, le lettere ai giornali, e le testimonianze pubblicate in rete lascino il tempo che trovino, ho deciso di lasciar correre, tanto niente sarebbe servito a restituirmi la serenità di un tempo. Ma per le altre Women who are found to address a particular psychological suffering, we can still do something?

. ------,
I am writing to bring to an incident relating to my abortion took place at ----------, which I think is not aware of.
am a woman who has undergone recently, at the center of abortions, which she directs, to a therapeutic abortion to 21settimana. Because unfortunately, as she feared, the product was expelled alive abortion, a nurse (maybe the nurse) with blond hair "menopause" and glasses, this morning of Saturday, June 8 '08, the question put by my mother about when I could be discharged from the hospital said I could not leave the structure before the birth registration of the birth of the baby. My mother was first a readiness to answer that in that case it would have been kidnapping and then, after a fellow gynecologist (objector) with all white hair and glasses all blacks, Dr. .----- - said, "weighs almost a pound, he realizes that could survive?" warned that his colleague (objector) Department of Emergency Obstetric and Gynecology, Dr. ------- to report this abuse. The doctor then the star of this episode was called to order, but I do not know if they were then taken further action.
I decided to recount this episode because from what I read di recente in una lettera inviata al quotidiano --------- da una paziente in condizioni sanitarie simili alle mie, ho appreso che qui in Italia si continuano a torturare psicologicamente persone già provate abbastanza dalla vita.
Sperando di non averLe sottratto troppo tempo al Suo già duro lavoro, La saluto cordialmente.
----- -----
P.S. Il dottore in questione, anche durante il mio travaglio, si è reso protagonista di un'altro episodio ben poco gratificante; tuttavia ritenendo che le denunce giudiziarie, le lettere ai giornali, e le testimonianze pubblicate in rete lascino il tempo che trovino, ho deciso di lasciar correre, tanto niente sarebbe servito a restituirmi la serenità di un tempo. Ma per le altre Women who are found to address a particular psychological suffering, we can still do something?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
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CARRYOVER HERE'S SITE: therapeutic abortion in Anglo-Saxon EXPERIENCE OF A WOMAN, THE EXAMPLE OF HOW IT IS HANDLED IN A CIVIL an abortion in second trimester of pregnancy.
From "republic of women" of 09/06/2003.
A woman realizes that the child who waits is affected by Down syndrome. It decided to terminate the pregnancy, the twenty-third week of gestation. Here is his story, from the first ultrasound suspected the painful return to everyday life.
On January 18 my son was born dead after 23 weeks of gestation. It was tiny, perfectly formed and affected by Down syndrome. The decision to terminate the pregnancy we took me and my partner together. Our nightmare began when I was in the classic U.S. mail, to the twentieth week of pregnancy. (...) Finally, the doctor has completed the review and told me that some measures of the child was well below average. And then there were two dots on the heart, two "tentative signs" of Down syndrome. They gave me a brochure and advised to return after four days for a consulto.Sono out of the hospital in shock. My son could have Down syndrome. Or at least a heart condition. All my plans began to collapse. The nursery that I chose for my first-born of two years, maternity leave, the bunk beds, suitable for summer vacations a baby. At a time so that, in my life, I had tried to arrange .... ... Elliot has spent the weekend trying to convince myself that everything would be fine. And the baby was kicking so hard that I started to believe it too. My belly grew and I felt fine. If it were not for those excruciating doubts and persistent.
Then came the fateful Monday and Elliot and I went to the hospital.
The doctor reassured us immediately: would repeat the examination and he was sure it would have been all right. (...) But the committee found elsewhere on the little heart and a few days before the measurements were confirmed. There was reason to worry. Even so, the doctor thought it would be all right. He immediately recommended an amniocentesis to rule out any chromosomal problems. I never thought to undergo an amniocentesis. I was young, I did not think I would servita.Se I had been given before, I'm sure I would have talked for hours, before making a decision. Instead, within ten minutes I found myself lying on a bed, waiting. No discussion, no debate. I'd just done. I felt a horrible feeling. All my instincts may help protect the stomach, but I let someone with a big bucarmela August I had to force myself not to tear away with violence. It did not seem right. The results are disclosed gradually. The first, which tells you if your child suffers from Down syndrome, is ready after only three days, or any other chromosomal problems can not be ruled out before three weeks. So we went home: I have set aside, to avert a possible miscarriage, while Elliot was trying to cheer both. (...) The third day we received a phone call. I was sitting on the couch I was working. Samuel was at nursery and Elliot in the bathroom. It was another doctor who told me: "I am afraid I have bad news. Does your child suffers from Down syndrome. " Somehow, I managed to get up and reach the toilet and break the news to Elliot. We had to rush to hospital immediately. Have collapsed. (...) I was able to tell my mother, who immediately offered to come to the hospital with us. Upon arrival, showed us a small room. I noticed the box of tissues on the table was not a good sign. The doctor showed us the letter with the results of laboratory tests. There was really written "Down syndrome".
was all true. The doctor told us it was just a matter of luck because, as far as I know, there was nothing genetic. Then he told us what it would mean for the child. Life expectancy: 30 or 40 years. It was never able to take care of himself. Probably would always have health problems. Then he switched to explain what he meant to Samuel, who until then had been a healthy child happy with a little brother like that, his childhood would have been completely disrupted. Even Elliot and I'd have a very different life than we had ever imagined.
I understood immediately what was the right decision to make. And I assumed that Elliot would have agreed with me.
had to terminate the pregnancy. (...) I did not consider mechanisms related to the termination of a pregnancy already well advanced, but we thought it was an intervention. I would have done anesthesia and wake up I would never been pregnant. But no. I should have taken some pills, under the supervision of a nurse. Then, three days later, I had to go in the delivery room , the same one where I was supposed to go after two and a half months. And there I gave birth to my baby. obliged to send off that horrible pill was the hardest thing I've ever gotten to do. (...) I sent compressed down that evil and we went home, taking a long walk. The baby was kicking happy, not knowing what I had done. The ultimate betrayal. We did not know how to drag for the next two days. It was as if I and elliptical we were in a kind of limbo. We could not talk about what was happening. We could not say I lost the baby because he was still inside me that was kicking, but we could not even pretend that everything was fine. We holed up at home. I tried not to sit motionless for too long, not realizing she was carrying dell'esserino. The nights, then, were impossible. We talked until dawn, watching any crap on TV. To all the time our son has continued to surge, and I felt like an assassin waiting to strike the fatal blow. I had always considered to be kicked in the belly as one of the strongest emotions never experienced. In those days, however, every move was tantamount to a tortura.Il power available to us was making us crazy. Elliot and I could decide not to live that creature. We were denying him the right to life. It was a power too great for us, we were not.
Who did not know what was really happening was sure we were doing the right thing.
(...) We were saving pain and suffering to my son. Abortion would nevertheless have prevented a worse tragedy. It would be a blow to me and Elliot, nothing more. But it was really the right choice? I had no clue. For five months my body had known that something was wrong, but I had always felt great: I was not so sure I can trust my instincts. I just knew that I was a dog. Then came Saturday. My mother has made very early to take care of Samuel Elliot and I we took a taxi to go to hospital. As I walked into the delivery room, I was hoping to meet someone who told me: "Go home, six of sixteen weeks in advance." But nobody told me anything. Instead, an obstetrician accompanied us in a room not far from the delivery room and told us what would have happened. The poor girl had tears in my eyes and I felt responsible. Soon after came the gynecologist with the tablets that would induce the birth. He then listed the different types of pain that I could choose, I opted for a morphine drip.
And so began the best day of my life absurd. The contractions were begun almost immediately and within an hour I broke the water.
hoping that everything will be resolved quickly but in fact I had to wait another 11 hours before the baby was born. I know I could give birth in fourth time, but I could not stand the idea that his body abandoned mine. I could not push. As it was painful and traumatic childbirth, it would be better than what I expected after that. So I stayed in bed next to me with Elliot. Have occurred and three midwives I spoke with each of them the same things. We had to decide what to do with little body soon after birth. Both me and my partner we thought it would be a good idea to take something positive from an experience so traumatic, perhaps using the body for scientific purposes. But none of us could openly express the concept. We were not able to use those terms. (...) At
seven in the evening I had not given birth. After a while, 'the midwife whispered softly, "I think at this point we should give birth to the child." I knew I had no way out. It took 20 minutes to push it out, and all this time Elliot and I have done nothing but cry, unable to control us. (...)
Later I saw the baby and close the arms. Elliot kept us very much. I did not know what was right or wrong and I listened.
Now I thank God I did. Our baby was beautiful. He looked like a lot to Samuel from piccolo.Gli I immediately loved him and I would never want to leave. We returned home a couple of hours later. Come to think of now, I do not know how we did. Probably the morphine I did assist. The following weeks were very strange. We did cremate the baby. Nobody was there and we had no function. We scattered his ashes on some snowdrops. At first, I had to deal with the implications of childbirth. I had arrived even milk, which seemed to last an eternity. In fact, he's gone two weeks after the cremation. Another cruel twist of fate. Now I'm coming to terms with what has happened to me. I just feel very unlucky. I feel a deep hatred for pregnant women and a large respect for infertile couples. For them, life in this world of ours, it must be unbearable. Just look around, and do not see nothing but future mothers. Happily ever after. It 'impossible to escape them, and each one seems to want to emphasize your loss.
(...) I realized that being a good person is a luxury that not everyone can afford. That can be good only if you are happy and generous. You can not show himself to be deeply unhappy and kind to others. Because when you're angry with the world, you are forced to endure such a thing, you begin to hate even the people who inhabit it. And tend to give them the blame for everything. The question "why me?" Is often used. Perché a me e non a te, brutto bastardo? Come ho già detto, in questo periodo non sono un granchè simpatica. Non mi sorprende che le persone non sappiamo come trattarmi.
Mi sono impegnata tantissimo nelle opere di beneficenza, soprattutto a favore dei bambini malati.
Non serve ad alleviare il senso di colpa, ma non saprei cos’altro fare. (...)
So che la ferita è ancora aperta. E so che non posso accelerare il processo di guarigione. Ma è brutto stare sempre così male.Vorrei solo tornare ad avere una vita normale. Non voglio essere etichettata come vittima. Voglio gioire ancora con mio figlio, senza alcuna riserva. Voglio smettere di avere incubi. Voglio tornare a essere felice, buona e gentile. E voglio rimanere di nuovo incinta.
(Testo raccolto da Rolph Gobits The Guardian)

From "republic of women" of 09/06/2003.
A woman realizes that the child who waits is affected by Down syndrome. It decided to terminate the pregnancy, the twenty-third week of gestation. Here is his story, from the first ultrasound suspected the painful return to everyday life.
On January 18 my son was born dead after 23 weeks of gestation. It was tiny, perfectly formed and affected by Down syndrome. The decision to terminate the pregnancy we took me and my partner together. Our nightmare began when I was in the classic U.S. mail, to the twentieth week of pregnancy. (...) Finally, the doctor has completed the review and told me that some measures of the child was well below average. And then there were two dots on the heart, two "tentative signs" of Down syndrome. They gave me a brochure and advised to return after four days for a consulto.Sono out of the hospital in shock. My son could have Down syndrome. Or at least a heart condition. All my plans began to collapse. The nursery that I chose for my first-born of two years, maternity leave, the bunk beds, suitable for summer vacations a baby. At a time so that, in my life, I had tried to arrange .... ... Elliot has spent the weekend trying to convince myself that everything would be fine. And the baby was kicking so hard that I started to believe it too. My belly grew and I felt fine. If it were not for those excruciating doubts and persistent.
Then came the fateful Monday and Elliot and I went to the hospital.
The doctor reassured us immediately: would repeat the examination and he was sure it would have been all right. (...) But the committee found elsewhere on the little heart and a few days before the measurements were confirmed. There was reason to worry. Even so, the doctor thought it would be all right. He immediately recommended an amniocentesis to rule out any chromosomal problems. I never thought to undergo an amniocentesis. I was young, I did not think I would servita.Se I had been given before, I'm sure I would have talked for hours, before making a decision. Instead, within ten minutes I found myself lying on a bed, waiting. No discussion, no debate. I'd just done. I felt a horrible feeling. All my instincts may help protect the stomach, but I let someone with a big bucarmela August I had to force myself not to tear away with violence. It did not seem right. The results are disclosed gradually. The first, which tells you if your child suffers from Down syndrome, is ready after only three days, or any other chromosomal problems can not be ruled out before three weeks. So we went home: I have set aside, to avert a possible miscarriage, while Elliot was trying to cheer both. (...) The third day we received a phone call. I was sitting on the couch I was working. Samuel was at nursery and Elliot in the bathroom. It was another doctor who told me: "I am afraid I have bad news. Does your child suffers from Down syndrome. " Somehow, I managed to get up and reach the toilet and break the news to Elliot. We had to rush to hospital immediately. Have collapsed. (...) I was able to tell my mother, who immediately offered to come to the hospital with us. Upon arrival, showed us a small room. I noticed the box of tissues on the table was not a good sign. The doctor showed us the letter with the results of laboratory tests. There was really written "Down syndrome".
was all true. The doctor told us it was just a matter of luck because, as far as I know, there was nothing genetic. Then he told us what it would mean for the child. Life expectancy: 30 or 40 years. It was never able to take care of himself. Probably would always have health problems. Then he switched to explain what he meant to Samuel, who until then had been a healthy child happy with a little brother like that, his childhood would have been completely disrupted. Even Elliot and I'd have a very different life than we had ever imagined.
I understood immediately what was the right decision to make. And I assumed that Elliot would have agreed with me.
had to terminate the pregnancy. (...) I did not consider mechanisms related to the termination of a pregnancy already well advanced, but we thought it was an intervention. I would have done anesthesia and wake up I would never been pregnant. But no. I should have taken some pills, under the supervision of a nurse. Then, three days later, I had to go in the delivery room , the same one where I was supposed to go after two and a half months. And there I gave birth to my baby. obliged to send off that horrible pill was the hardest thing I've ever gotten to do. (...) I sent compressed down that evil and we went home, taking a long walk. The baby was kicking happy, not knowing what I had done. The ultimate betrayal. We did not know how to drag for the next two days. It was as if I and elliptical we were in a kind of limbo. We could not talk about what was happening. We could not say I lost the baby because he was still inside me that was kicking, but we could not even pretend that everything was fine. We holed up at home. I tried not to sit motionless for too long, not realizing she was carrying dell'esserino. The nights, then, were impossible. We talked until dawn, watching any crap on TV. To all the time our son has continued to surge, and I felt like an assassin waiting to strike the fatal blow. I had always considered to be kicked in the belly as one of the strongest emotions never experienced. In those days, however, every move was tantamount to a tortura.Il power available to us was making us crazy. Elliot and I could decide not to live that creature. We were denying him the right to life. It was a power too great for us, we were not.
Who did not know what was really happening was sure we were doing the right thing.
(...) We were saving pain and suffering to my son. Abortion would nevertheless have prevented a worse tragedy. It would be a blow to me and Elliot, nothing more. But it was really the right choice? I had no clue. For five months my body had known that something was wrong, but I had always felt great: I was not so sure I can trust my instincts. I just knew that I was a dog. Then came Saturday. My mother has made very early to take care of Samuel Elliot and I we took a taxi to go to hospital. As I walked into the delivery room, I was hoping to meet someone who told me: "Go home, six of sixteen weeks in advance." But nobody told me anything. Instead, an obstetrician accompanied us in a room not far from the delivery room and told us what would have happened. The poor girl had tears in my eyes and I felt responsible. Soon after came the gynecologist with the tablets that would induce the birth. He then listed the different types of pain that I could choose, I opted for a morphine drip.
And so began the best day of my life absurd. The contractions were begun almost immediately and within an hour I broke the water.
hoping that everything will be resolved quickly but in fact I had to wait another 11 hours before the baby was born. I know I could give birth in fourth time, but I could not stand the idea that his body abandoned mine. I could not push. As it was painful and traumatic childbirth, it would be better than what I expected after that. So I stayed in bed next to me with Elliot. Have occurred and three midwives I spoke with each of them the same things. We had to decide what to do with little body soon after birth. Both me and my partner we thought it would be a good idea to take something positive from an experience so traumatic, perhaps using the body for scientific purposes. But none of us could openly express the concept. We were not able to use those terms. (...) At
seven in the evening I had not given birth. After a while, 'the midwife whispered softly, "I think at this point we should give birth to the child." I knew I had no way out. It took 20 minutes to push it out, and all this time Elliot and I have done nothing but cry, unable to control us. (...)
Later I saw the baby and close the arms. Elliot kept us very much. I did not know what was right or wrong and I listened.
Now I thank God I did. Our baby was beautiful. He looked like a lot to Samuel from piccolo.Gli I immediately loved him and I would never want to leave. We returned home a couple of hours later. Come to think of now, I do not know how we did. Probably the morphine I did assist. The following weeks were very strange. We did cremate the baby. Nobody was there and we had no function. We scattered his ashes on some snowdrops. At first, I had to deal with the implications of childbirth. I had arrived even milk, which seemed to last an eternity. In fact, he's gone two weeks after the cremation. Another cruel twist of fate. Now I'm coming to terms with what has happened to me. I just feel very unlucky. I feel a deep hatred for pregnant women and a large respect for infertile couples. For them, life in this world of ours, it must be unbearable. Just look around, and do not see nothing but future mothers. Happily ever after. It 'impossible to escape them, and each one seems to want to emphasize your loss.
(...) I realized that being a good person is a luxury that not everyone can afford. That can be good only if you are happy and generous. You can not show himself to be deeply unhappy and kind to others. Because when you're angry with the world, you are forced to endure such a thing, you begin to hate even the people who inhabit it. And tend to give them the blame for everything. The question "why me?" Is often used. Perché a me e non a te, brutto bastardo? Come ho già detto, in questo periodo non sono un granchè simpatica. Non mi sorprende che le persone non sappiamo come trattarmi.
Mi sono impegnata tantissimo nelle opere di beneficenza, soprattutto a favore dei bambini malati.
Non serve ad alleviare il senso di colpa, ma non saprei cos’altro fare. (...)
So che la ferita è ancora aperta. E so che non posso accelerare il processo di guarigione. Ma è brutto stare sempre così male.Vorrei solo tornare ad avere una vita normale. Non voglio essere etichettata come vittima. Voglio gioire ancora con mio figlio, senza alcuna riserva. Voglio smettere di avere incubi. Voglio tornare a essere felice, buona e gentile. E voglio rimanere di nuovo incinta.
(Testo raccolto da Rolph Gobits The Guardian)
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