Friday, March 13, 2009

Install Floor In Boat

Objectors Buzz: If you know avoid them!

following precautions LETTER SENT SATAMANE: Who knows if it will help 'NEVER TO SOMETHING .. Dear Dr.

. ------,
I am writing to bring to an incident relating to my abortion took place at ----------, which I think is not aware of.
am a woman who has undergone recently, at the center of abortions, which she directs, to a therapeutic abortion to 21settimana. Because unfortunately, as she feared, the product was expelled alive abortion, a nurse (maybe the nurse) with blond hair "menopause" and glasses, this morning of Saturday, June 8 '08, the question put by my mother about when I could be discharged from the hospital said I could not leave the structure before the birth registration of the birth of the baby. My mother was first a readiness to answer that in that case it would have been kidnapping and then, after a fellow gynecologist (objector) with all white hair and glasses all blacks, Dr. .----- - said, "weighs almost a pound, he realizes that could survive?" warned that his colleague (objector) Department of Emergency Obstetric and Gynecology, Dr. ------- to report this abuse. The doctor then the star of this episode was called to order, but I do not know if they were then taken further action.

I decided to recount this episode because from what I read di recente in una lettera inviata al quotidiano --------- da una paziente in condizioni sanitarie simili alle mie, ho appreso che qui in Italia si continuano a torturare psicologicamente persone già provate abbastanza dalla vita.
Sperando di non averLe sottratto troppo tempo al Suo già duro lavoro, La saluto cordialmente.

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P.S. Il dottore in questione, anche durante il mio travaglio, si è reso protagonista di un'altro episodio ben poco gratificante; tuttavia ritenendo che le denunce giudiziarie, le lettere ai giornali, e le testimonianze pubblicate in rete lascino il tempo che trovino, ho deciso di lasciar correre, tanto niente sarebbe servito a restituirmi la serenità di un tempo. Ma per le altre Women who are found to address a particular psychological suffering, we can still do something?


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